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小狗是人主教徒吗?。Was The Dog Catholic?

他从小就是天主教徒。He was raised Catholic.

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她是一个虔诚的天主教徒。She is a good Catholic.

玛丽是虔诚的天主教徒。Mary is a devoted Catholic.

你知道的,他是旧教的来的。You know, he was raised catholic.

而是天主教教义。It's part of Roman Catholic doctrine.

为什么屠夫可以成为基督徒?The butcher smile and become Catholic.

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他们来自意大利,信奉天主教。They came from Italy and were Catholic.

新教堂命名为新华路天主教堂。Xinhua Road named a new Catholic church.

但罗马在天主教的教堂里继续生存着。But Rome lived on in the Catholic Church.

天主教的教士不准婚嫁。Catholic priests are not allowed to marry.

卡尔和爱弥儿去赶天主教庙会了。Carl and Emil went up to the Catholic fair.

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九龙城或太子区教堂一问?。Do you want a Catholic or Protestant church?

达夫林剥离天主教区学校委员会。Bill Dufferin Catholic District School Board.

他们哪里得罪了天主教堂?What wrong did they do to the Catholic Church?

天主教堂大主教辖区的青年委员会Catholic Church’s Archdiocesan Youth Commission

天主教会于1412年把胡斯逐出教会。The Catholic church excommunicated Hus in 1412.

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什么是新教,或者一个天主教徒。What's this Protestant stuff? Or if a Catholic.

我以前在天主教堂做礼拜。I worshiped in catholic churches for many years.

如何到系马桩路天主教堂?How to get to the Jimazhuang Road Catholic Church?