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重装步兵是为了方阵才存在的A hoplite only makes sense in a phalanx.

这就是我们所说的重步兵方阵的含义So that is what we mean by the hoplite phalanx.

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对我们这个方阵还有什么问题吗,请讲Anything else on the mechanics of our phalanx? Yes?

当他们作战时他们是用民兵方阵战斗。When they do fight, they fight as a militia phalanx.

这将使激光系统比密集阵系统更加有效。This will make it more effective than the Phalanx gun.

这意味着你永远不希望离开方阵That means, you never want to be away from your phalanx.

所以在攻击的时候,必须得刺杀敌人You had to stick somebody with this hoplite phalanx sword.

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他一直象其它无数怀疑者一样持怀疑态度。He had ranked himself in the numerous phalanx of unbelievers.

在历史上,迦太基公民方阵是低质素的。Historically, a Carthaginian citizen phalanx was of poor quality.

讲完方阵以后,我会稍微提一下I'll say a little bit about that, when I get through with phalanx.

近节趾骨截骨是手术成功的关键。The osteotomy of the first phalanx is key for successful operation.

你从没听说过,张三或者李四,在方阵中手刃三十四名敌人You never really hear of Joe Blow who killed thirty-four guys in the phalanx.

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脚趾趾骨粉碎性骨折,手术后多少时间可出院?Toe phalanx comminuted fracture, postoperative number time may leave hospital?

关于这种方阵模式的战斗,还有一点需要你们知道There's just one more thing you need to know about this phalanx mode of fighting.

而只有在士兵们站得非常紧密的情况下,方阵才能有实战意义A phalanx understood in this way only makes sense if you imagine very close order.

她上场的时候左腿韧带已经撕裂了,脚趾骨骨折了。She goes on stage the left leg ligament had already torn, foot phalanx bone fracture.

由于太复杂,理清用了谁谁的专利需要大量时间和一排排的律师。Given such complexity, sorting out who owns what requires time and a phalanx of lawyers.

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激光系统将使用原有的密集阵系统的雷达和指挥与控制系统。The laser would operate using the existing Phalanx radar and command and control system.

我们描述了一对拇末节撕脱骨折创伤的情况。We describe a case of a traumatic avulsion fracture of the distal phalanx of the hallux.

但数百名举行了地上,交叉掩护,形成一个固若金汤的方阵。But hundreds more held their ground, overlapping shields to form an invulnerable phalanx.