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什么玩艺有黑客语言支持?What IDEs have support for the Hack Language?

还有一些其他的客户端编辑软件,我们也授权给,你们使用。And then there are other client side IDEs we'll also empower you with.

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典型的IDE要求每个程序员定义自己的项目文件。Typical IDEs require each programmer to define his or her own project file.

IDE的问题在团队中是一个关于一致性和重现性的问题。The problem with IDEs is one of consistency and reproducibility across a team of members.

我不知道,也许那就是我晚上听到的响声——他给箱子上销的声音。I have no ides. Maybe thAT is the sound thAT I've heard AT night—the sound of him locking it.

我也期望在主要的IDE中,例如Eclipse或者Netbeans会有插件支持,尽管现在还没有。I also anticipate plugin support in major IDEs like Eclipse or Netbeans, although this will come later.

从那时起,现代IDE软件似乎开始远离代码片段思想,更关注于基于文件的编辑。Since then, modern IDEs seem to have veered away from fragments and much more toward file-based editing.

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随着时间的推移,我们期望这种模式,或其它与其类似的模式,以真正“超越”传统的全方位IDE。With time, we should expect this model, or others like it, to truly "eclipse" traditional all-in-one IDEs.

头脑风暴可以给你改正自己的错误,并更好的为你的目标而女里提供一些有建设性的想法。Brainstorm a few tangible ides for how you can improve upon your faults and better work towards your goals.

OTI团队是有着非常广泛的高度熟练的团队,并具有完成几代集成开发环境的经验。The OTI team had extensive experience building several generations of IDEs with small, highly skilled teams.

他想把他们的公司发展成为一个多国公司的想法立即得到全体委员的支持。His ides of developing their corporation to a multi-national one was at once espoused by the whole committee.

这意味着这些工具的功能都被那些语言禁固了,更糟的是,这些工具常常绑定到了特定的IDE上。This means that the functionality of these tools is locked in those languages, and even worse, often tied to particular IDEs.

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这些企业业务流程在IDES系统中设计成反映真实的企业需求,还能够接近很多的现实特征。The business processes in the IDES system are designed to reflect real-life business requirements, and have access to many realistic characteristics.

社会公平本质上是一种平衡关系,不仅是一种现实的引导机制,同时也作为社会发展的一种理念,对现实有一种理想统摄。In essence, social equality is a kind of equilibrium relationship. Not only is it a guidance to the reality, but also the ides for social development.

由祭祀于三月IDES的庙之母,在庆祝活动持续了三天,包括游行,游戏和伪装。The celebration made on the Ides of March by making offerings in the temple of Cybele lasted for three days and included parades, games and masquerades.

基于Web的管理控制台也使用了同样的RESTful后端,这样开发者就可以使用同样的API将类似的功能集成到工具集或是IDE当中了。The web-based admin console uses the same RESTful backend so the developers can use the same set of APIs to integrate similar capabilities in the toolkits or IDEs.

随着推理技术的不断改进和提高,将能构造出更加安全、可靠、有效的基于CVE的实时入侵检测专家系统,使该系统具有更广阔的应用前景。With the improving and enhance of the technique, a much safer , reliable , and efficient real time IDES based on CVE can be build and have a much wider foreground.

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第三,“言与意”、“形与心”的和谐组合,构成独具东方情调的语体文体特征。The third, the harmonious combination of "speech and ides", "form and heart", constitutes only a language body literary style characteristic of having the eastern sentimental appeal.

在二月的第十五天开始的古罗马牧神节是一个为了纪念罗马农业之神福纳斯的生产、繁殖的节日,同时也是为了纪念罗马的建立者罗穆卢斯和瑞摩斯。Lupercalia, which began at the ides ofFebruary, February 15, was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture, as well as to the Roman founders Romulus and Remus.

牧神节是一个古罗马生育节,每年2月15日举行,人们会在这一天献祭罗马农神福纳斯、以及罗马的建立者罗穆卢斯和瑞摩斯。Celebrated at the ides of February, or February 15, Lupercalia was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture, as well as to the Roman founders Romulus and Remus.