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理查德·基尔62了。Richard Gere is 62.

爱理加油!Love Richard refuels!

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来自理查德,瓦格纳的,尼伯龙根的指环。It's from Richard Wagner.

我曾经是,理查德·诺维克?I was once. Richard Norvik?

是的,就是那个理查德斯托曼。Yes, that Richard Stallman.

我代表理查德·迪安……On behalf of Richard Dean...

理查德·哈斯是一个好男人。RICHARD HAASS is a good man.

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早上好,我是理察德•李。Good morning, I'm Richard Li.

理查德拉森,凯莉,非常感谢。Richard Larson, thanks a lot.

莎伦是理查德的妻子。Sharon is married to Richard.

是理查德·马登上尉。It was Captain Richard Madden.

理查德•罗杰斯就是其中之一。Richard Rogers is one of them.

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另一个就是理查德布兰森了。The other was Richard Branson.

归咎于理查德的罪行。the crimes imputed to Richard.

英王理查三世是个魔鬼。King Richard III was a monster.

理查德是我的商业伙伴。Richard is my business partner.

理查德·李斯特在华盛顿发回的报道。Richard Lister is in Washington.

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理查德每天都画一幅画。Richard draws a picture each day.

我叫理查得,你叫什么名字?I'm Richard . What ' s your name ?

晚上8点23分,里查德被执行了死刑。At 8.23pm Richard was put to death.