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我们在里面挑选做工精致的小木鞋。We are inside a small selection of exquisite workmanship sabot.

一对对色彩鲜艳、精致绚丽,象征着甜蜜爱情的木鞋!A right color bright, fine gorgeous, is drafting the happy love sabot likely!

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模型及弹托设计是开展弹道靶试验研究的基础。Equally important to the ballistic range tests is the design of model and sabot.

在英格兰,脱壳采取的形式的堵塞,织物固定在一个木制的平台。In England, the sabot took the form of the clog, a fabric mounted on a wooden platform.

使用正确的武器攻击敌军,例如不要在步兵身上浪费穿甲弹。Picks the right weapon to use against the enemy . don ' t waste sabot rounds on infantry targets , for example.

本文针对卡瓣膛外运动非对称性建立了统一的动力学模型,并分析了卡瓣与弹芯和卡瓣之间的碰撞问题。The unified dynamics model was established and collision problem between the sabot and the long rod and the sabots was analyzed.

因此间隙啮合技术为低密度低强度材料的弹托设计提供了可行的方法。So the meshing clearance technique is a feasible method for the sabot design with the materials of low density and low intensity.

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结果表明在大威力穿甲弹复合材料弹托上应用间隙啮合技术是可行的。The results show that it is feasible to apply interval meshing technology to composite sabot of high power armor piercing projectiles.

其次,根据质量工程学中普遍应用的田口法对小口径全塑弹总体结构进行了优化。Then, based on Taquchi Method widely used in the quality engineering, the optimization on small caliber full plastic sabot was presented.

本文探讨了杆式穿甲弹的一种弹芯与弹托的新型啮合方案,即采用变齿隙结构方案。This paper discusses a new meshing scheme about armor-piercing core and sabot of long rod AP, which adopts the structure of variational tooth clearance.

探讨了杆式穿甲弹的一种新型弹芯与弹托的啮合方案,即采用变齿隙结构方案。This paper discussed a new meshing scheme of armor-piercing core and sabot of long rod AP, which is adopting the structure of variational tooth clearance.

为了解决短靶室轻气炮实验中的弹托分离问题,设计了新型弹托结构和弹托气动分离装置。To solve the problem of sabot separation in experiments using light gas gun with short target chamber, a new type of sabot and its separation device were designed.

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在后推式弹托与前推式弹托上应用了啮合间隙技术,用ANSYS对其进行了瞬态动力学分析。While apply the technique of meshing clearance to the back push type sabot and front push type sabot, we have provided a transient dynamic analysis of this method using ANSYS.

对某航炮用气推弹在膛口流场中的受力进行了工程估算,并计算了该弹的脱壳运动情况,分析了气孔面积对脱壳时间的影响。It estimates the forces acting on APDS in the muzzle field and calculates the movement of sabot and rod. It also analyzes the effect of gas hole area on the time of sabot discarding.

公司创建于1997年,现有员工206人,专业生产各种规格的木制,竹制的衣刷,浴刷,鞋刷,木按摩器,木鞋拔。The company was founded in 1997 and currently employs 206 people, specializing in the production of a variety of wooden, bamboo's, clothes brush, bath brush, shoe brush, wooden massager, sabot out.

与传统的啮合方式作相应的应力对比,间隙啮合技术在很大程度上解决了弹托膛压作用面齿根处应力过大的问题,并充分挖掘了复合材料弹托各齿承受应力的能力。When applying the meshing clearance to the composite sabot, mat finds the technique of meshing clearance can reduce the stress of dangerous tooth surface and bring the teeth of the sabot into play.