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我的牙龈出血。I have bleeding gums.

你的手臂在流血。Your arm is bleeding.

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他的血也变黄了。He was bleeding yellow.

哦.殷红的血滴流泻。Oh the bleeding drops of red!

我的儿子流血流得很厉害!My son is bleeding very badly!

缤纷色彩融为一体。The colours bleeding into one.

妈妈,我受伤了,在流血。Mom, I got bubu, I am bleeding.

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眼中却是一片鲜血淋漓。But his eyes were also bleeding.

有不明原因的子宫出血Have unexplained uterine bleeding

柯瑟琳心想,他的血都要流光了。He's bleeding out, thought Catherine.

他们流血的程度真是可怕。The bleeding of that army was horrible.

那个同学话音刚落,姜浩就重重地打出了一拳,同学的鼻子顿时血流如注。The student’s nose was bleeding nonstop.

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多色板造成渗色现象。Multi color caused by bleeding phenomenon.

她止住了血,没让他失血过多而死。She had stopped himfrom bleeding to death.

他几小时后死于内出血。He died hours later from internal bleeding.

脓毒病和出血造成了大量的死亡。Sepsis and bleeding caused numerous deaths.

你打得真重,我流血了吗?You really clocked me there. Am I bleeding?

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我躺在地上,全身都疼,还流了血。And I lying, sore and bleeding on the floor.

我不知道发生了什么事。她正在流血。I don't know what happened. She is bleeding.

Paul把胳膊刮个口子,在流血哪。Paul got a cut on his arm and it is bleeding.