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第一长老教会在必新泽西。First Presbyterian Church in Pitman , New Jersey.

最近,在美景镇的长老会教堂,举行了一场婚礼。There was a wedding recently, at Fairview presbyterian church.

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欧洲殖民者的后代大多是罗马天主教或者长老会教徒。The Burgher population is mostly Roman Catholic or Presbyterian.

老实说,我所看到的是和我正直的内心相违背的。To be honest, what I've seen offends my Presbyterian conscience.

还有两个长老机构在爱尔兰的统一。There are still two Presbyterian bodies in Ireland that are Unitarian.

马公基督长老教会代表外来宗教与文化在本地落地生根。The Magong Presbyterian Church means the rooting of the foreign religion and culture.

在历史悠久的美南长老会和美南浸信会发生了两次教会争议。Two Church Controversies, in the old Presbyterian Church and in the Southern Baptist Church.

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好吧!既然是族长的提议,那我就当个龙族长老吧!Well! Since it is proposed that the chiefs, and that I would become a Presbyterian nationality it!

该校与金巴仑长老会耀道中学采用「一条龙」办学模式。The school and Cumberland Presbyterian Church Yao Dao Secondary School adopt the 'through-train' mode.

1879年即光绪五年,他应邀返国去参加美国全国长老会的年会。In 1879, Calvin Mateer went back to the United States to attend a general meeting of the Presbyterian Church.

他被长老会授予神职,而在他的传道生涯中却为多个不同教派服务过。He was ordained in the Presbyterian Church but has served a variety of denominations during his ministry career.

由曙光长老会创立的普林斯顿大学原本是为培养长老而建立的。Established by the "New Light" Presbyterians , Princeton was originally intended to train Presbyterian ministers.

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圣公会,循道卫斯理和长老教会所有既定任务,在中国各大中心。The Anglican, Wesleyan Methodist and the Presbyterian churches all established missions in the major Chinese centres.

荣光归于上帝﹐长老教会犹原教示信徒﹐上帝的主权赢过人赚著的尊贵。Ascribing glory to God, the Presbyterian also teaches that God's sovereignty is over the prestige built by human work.

但新的长老派很快就发展了自己的办法,那就是利用政府权力控制和管理教会。But the new Presbyterian Party soon developed its own methods of employing state power to control and regulate the church.

长老派家庭的宗教背景是构成威尔逊国际政治思想的哲学来源。Wilson's religious upbringing in a Presbyterian family philosophically constitutes his thoughts of international politics.

他的父亲是一位长老会牧师,他曾经是牧师,教育家和医疗从业者。His father was a Presbyterian minister who had descended from a long line of clergymen, educators, and medical practitioners.

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位于维斯康星洲南部的富兰克林市有一座基督教堂每周允许穆斯林在其中祈祷五日。The Faith Presbyterian Church in Franklin city in southern Wisconsin has allowed Muslims to perform prayers five days a week.

他于1898年出生在中国的长老教会家庭,父亲是亨利‧温特斯‧鲁斯,母亲是伊莉莎白‧路特。Borne in China in 1898, the son of Elizabeth Root and Henry Winters Luce , who was a Presbyterian missionary. In 1941, Henry R.

上帝的神,设立阮温哥华台湾基督长老教会,来作移民者的盼望。God Almighty established Vancouver Taiwanese Presbyterian Church to bea home for Taiwanese immigrants, Taiwanese-Canadian and others.