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而百花凋零的时候是秋天。And drama is autumn.

我参加了戏剧社。I joined the Drama Club.

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则可能有更多的戏剧。Then there is more drama.

我经常去参加戏剧社。I often go to the drama club.

参与合唱团或是剧社。Join a choir or a drama club.

你认为需要更多的戏剧性。You think it needs more drama.

但我都找不到好看的电视剧了。but I can't find a good drama.

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对此“小戏剧”有何评论吗?Any comments on this mini drama?

避开别人的戏剧性事件。Stay out of other people’s drama.

没有戏剧生活将会怎样?What would life be without drama?

我在湖北省地方戏曲剧院工作。I am working in a drama showplace.

一部中国式的家庭情节剧。It is a Chinese style family drama.

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就像剧中李信对妹妹那样。Same as Shin to his sister in drama.

这部戏剧赢得艾美奖的最佳节目奖。The drama won an Emmy for Best Show.

你感觉整个梦都是真的。You feel the entire drama to be real.

法律是伊丽莎白戏剧的印章。Law was a staple of Elizabethan drama.

我的堂兄是戏曲俱乐部的成员。My cousin is a member of a drama club.

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由伟联演唱的电视剧主题曲。TV drama theme songs sang by Wei Lian.

生命如歌,人生如戏。Being like song, while life like drama.

“戏梦”,艺术方位画廊,深圳。"Drama Dream", J & Z Gallery, Shenzhen.