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我的个性温和,较具亲和力。My character geniality, have the appetency.

红玫瑰能激起男人的征服欲和分泌雄性激素,但是要与一个真正热情如火的红玫瑰生活,很多男人并没有这样的信心。Red rose can activize the man’s appetency of conquest.

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每个人心中总是有一棵树,我叫它作欲望树。Everyone always have a tree deep in his heart and I call it Appetency Tree.

具有良好的耐久性,虽在长期暴晒之后,仍可发挥其与上层之间的亲合力。Good lasting property, still good appetency with above coating after long-term insolation.

后来拉拉告诉她,这叫“有亲和力”,可以在年终总结中作为自己的优点写进去的。Later Lala told her it’s what appetency called which could be wrote into the year-end summary as merit for herself.

社会、学校应注意所选择树立的“榜样”的时代性、亲和力及可学习性。The society and school should cared about the times character, appetency and learning possibility of the built "Model".

这种恶虽然平淡无奇,但是它能够激发起潜伏在人类中所有恶的本能。Although this kind of evils are tamed and everydayness, they can motivate all the kinds of evils hidden in human's appetency.

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具有同行酒店工作经历优先录用,具有亲和力,有团队精神,敬业精神。懂得相同职位的工作流程。Have similar hotel working experience will be employed in priority, good appetency , team work, good and professional ethics. Familiar with the working procedure.

诱变有提高基因突变率、打破性状连锁和促进基因重组、克服植物自交不亲和性、促进远缘杂交实现基因转移等特点。Induced mutation can improve rate of gene mutation, break genetic lin kage and regroup, overcome low appetency of self-crossing, make far-distance crossing gene transfer.

特别是自交高度不亲和性,往往使得优良单株基因型很容易丢失,给优良品种选育材料的繁殖和保存带来了极大困难。Especially, what self-crossing is highly no appetency makes easy lose of good single genotype, which propagatation and conservation of good varieties breeding brings great difficulty.

具有同行酒店工作经历优先录用,具有亲和力,有团队精神,敬业精神。懂得相同职位的工作流程,英语熟练。Have similar hotel working experience will be employed in priority, good appetency , team work, good and professional ethics. Familiar with the working procedure, English is very good.

基于这样的管理理念,在管理手段上以激励为主,控制为辅,以激励实现控制,宽严相济,制度化与亲和力相结合。Basing on this management logos we keep mainly encouragement secondarily controlling control by encouragement with relexed and strict combined institutionalization and appetency combined.

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说明其所构造的中国形象是异化的“他者”形象,是对中国神秘化、专制性和欲望化的表现。Then it is illustrated that the constitution of Chinese image is an alienation "him", which is one of the representation of the western world's mystification, authorization and appetency.