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第三,“尝试游击战术”。Third, "Try guerilla tactics."

他率领一支游击队抗击日本侵略者。He led a guerilla band against Japanese invaders.

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游击女郎本身的名称也是一种扭曲的讽刺。The name Guerilla Girl also has a twist of irony.

不要翻白眼、大声叹气、打游击战。No eye-rolling, no heavy sighing, no guerilla activities.

国家的首领是久负盛名的游击英雄,那一年是1993年。Its leader was a lionized guerilla hero. The year was 1993.

巴人阴阳洞――游击队在巴人阴阳洞开会、议事之处。Luna& solar Cavity of Ba people where guerilla held meeting.

在游击队炸弹袭击戴尔斐之后,谁发现了受伤的山姆·安德斯?Who found the injured Sam Anders after the guerilla bombing in Delphi?

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同时,他还是安·蒙迪斯的游击队市场工作室的毕业生。Louis is also a graduate of Ann Monteith's Guerilla Marketing Workshop.

一支游击队和一支骑兵之间的一场小小遭遇战,算得了什么?。What is a little brush between a guerilla band and a squadron of cavalry?

塔利班仍然是有的,但他们只进行游击战术了。The Taliban still are there, but they only carry out guerilla tactics now.

反政府革命武装后来为了给游击战争资金支持开始贩毒,绑架。FARC turned to drug trafficking and kidnapping to finance its guerilla war.

星巴克在离开卡不利卡之前给了优秀的游击队员山姆安德斯什么?What did Starbuck give to hunky guerilla Sam Anders before she left Caprica?

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塔利班更聪明,他们开展武装游击冲突的历史更长久。The Taliban are smarter, and have a longer history of armed guerilla conflict.

这是英国的民间涂鸦艺术家班克斯在世界拍卖行巨头索思比拍卖的作品。Works by the guerilla graffiti artist Banksy are to go under the hammer at Sotheby's.

他们自称为“游击式编织”或者“毛线轰炸”,起源于美国。They call this stuff "guerilla knitting" or "yarn bombing", and it originally comes from the USA.

游击女郎是一群为性别和种族平等而战斗的匿名女性艺术家。The Guerilla Girls are a group of anonymous women activists fighting for gender and racial equality.

多数游击女郎的工作是依靠她们自己的形象,在你在观看事情时,把注意力集中地转移到她们身上。Much of the Guerilla Girls' work depends on images that make you shift your focus when looking at things.

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这里的18条游击营销秘技将为你带来超越你最乐观估计的收获。There are 18 guerilla marketing secrets, and they guarantee you will exceed your most optimistic projections.

占领军中有一个有同情心的角色,是一位参加过游击战的古巴上校。The one sympathetic character among the occupying forces is a Cuban colonel with a background in guerilla warfare.

大猩猩的面具所隐藏的是这些妇女的身份,然而称她们“游击队”,正是指明了她们活动的性质。The gorilla masks keep the women's identity hidden, but to refer to them as "guerilla" points to their activist nature.