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与父亲一样,他希望成为海军飞行员。Like his father, he hopes to become a naval aviator.

安东尼.圣修伯里是法国作家和飞行员。Antoine de Saint-Exupy was a French writer and aviator.

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该计算尺功能主要用于飞行员手表。The slide rule function is used primarily in aviator watches.

苏格兰飞行员吉姆·莫里森首次单人驾机飞越大西洋。Scottish aviator Jim Mollison made the first trans-Atlantic solo flight.

发疯的飞行员是如此令人着迷,你将通过几个小时的篮球的飞行!Loony Aviator is so addictive you'll be flying through the hoops for hours!

他除了有飞行员和装甲兵的丰富经验,勒克将军还是一名伞兵、巡逻骑兵。The General is an experienced Army Aviator who originally trained as an armor officer.

瑞士飞行员伯特兰·皮卡德驾驶这架太阳能飞机飞完了此次旅程的这一站。Swiss aviator Bertrand Piccard operated the solar-powered plane on this leg of the tour.

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“人类天使”比空气还轻,并且有着类似于小船的桨,飞行员可以驱动这些桨。The Man Angel was lighter-than-air and had paddles like a rowboat that the aviator could pump.

运动类型的夹克多为摩托服和飞行服上带毛的里料。For this sports style, the jacket will be often a biker or aviator leather one with fur on the reverse.

如今这位飞行家已经创造并保持了三项环球航行的世界记录,另外两项分别是驾驶热气球和帆船环球旅行。The aviator now holds three record-breaking circumnavigations of the globe, the two others by balloon and sailboat.

为了进入角色,这位晒得黝黑的演员戴着飞行员墨镜、穿着牛仔裤和黑色夹克,开着摩托车在片场四处游荡。To get into character, the tanned actor drove around the set in mirrored aviator sunglasses, jeans and a black jacket.

查尔斯·图尔特·尔斯,飞机师、尔斯-罗伊斯工程公司的创建人之一,在多塞特郡死于空难。Charles Stewart Rolls, aviator and co-founder of the engineering firm of Rolls Royce, was killed in an air crash in Dorset.

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那些像是外星人的宇航员头盔,迷你裙和彩色的紧身裤,都表达了新年轻人文化的爆发。The alien innocents in their aviator helmets, miniskirts and colorful hose, expressed the explosion of a new youth culture.

尽管加加林对法国飞行员兼作家圣埃克苏佩里的作品都非常喜爱,但他的偏好性相当特别——也可以说是可悲的先见之明。Despite his fondness for the work of the French aviator and writer, Gagarin's preferences were characteristic – and sadly prescient.

穿着迪奥的灰蓝色的宽条纹紧身服的拉格斐德戴着一副飞行员戴的太阳镜,他对这种行为表示不屑。Lagerfeld, who was dressed in a tight Dior suit of broad gray and blue stripes, and a pair of aviator sunglasses, disdains this practice.

“你过完一生,在生命结束时,了解别人比了解自己更多”,飞行员拜瑞勒·玛珂涵说。“You can live a lifetime and, at the end of it, know more about other people than you know about yourself,” aviator Beryl Markham cautioned.

“你过完一生,在生命结束时,了解别人比了解自己更多”,飞行员拜瑞勒·玛珂涵说。“You can live a lifetime and, at the end of it, know more about other people than you know about yourself, ” aviator Beryl Markham cautioned.

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其他一些帽子则是受了历史或时尚的启发,比如标志性的飞行员头盔,或是与旧风尚‘报童帽’相似的司机帽。Other hats are inspired by history and fashion, such as the iconic aviator helmet or the cabbie cap which resembles old fashioned "newsboy" hats.

此外,左下角画有海军部飞行训练标志,有时只画有海军飞行章。Additionally, the lower left quadrant, which contains the Chief of Naval Air Training insignia, has occasionally contained only Naval Aviator wings.

作为第一个成为司令官的飞行员,他在10月份才接任,也可能觉得要表现出与第一线的战士们的团结。As the first aviator to become commandant—he took over only in October—he may also feel he has to demonstrate solidarity with the kids on the front lines.