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她演过很多童话剧。She' s acted in a lot of pantomime.

她用动作示范正确的技术。She would pantomime the proper technique.

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一对舞台姐妹演了一出化装的哑剧。A pair of stage sisters did a pantomime in costume.

她用动作示范正确的技术。他会跟着学。She would pantomime the proper technique. He would follow.

那么,“全球化”这个反面角色又该何去何从呢?Where then does that pantomime villain, globalisation, fit in?

终于开始学习默剧了,很喜欢学习的感觉。I started the course of Pantomime. I love the feel of learning.

演喜剧里的配角或丑角,以顺从的、下级的方式行事。A comedy or pantomime in which Harlequin is the main attraction.

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想在心里旋转一个物体,要首先试着比划。To learn how to rotate an object mentally, firsttry a pantomime.

阅读黑色幽默,肢体语言,默剧,无声电影的相关书籍。Read books about black humor body language pantomime and silent movie.

维塔斯当时是那里的业余演员之一,而且参加了那次演出。Pantomime? Vitas was there, and one of the amateur actors in the performance.

怯懦,愤世嫉俗,完全的自我陶醉集于一身,从头到尾,他就是一个默不作神的恶棍。Cowardly, cynical and wholly self-obsessed, he's every bit the pantomime villain.

我们的工业竞争对手不需要每年上演梅林传奇的童话剧。No annual pantomime of Project Merlin is required for our industrial competitors.

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不过球迷的欢迎令人惊讶地温暖,而嘘声最终到来时只是半心半意和像默剧一般的。The welcome was surprisingly warm and the boos, when they eventually came, half-hearted and pantomime.

通常有载歌载舞的青年男女合唱队伍和一匹木马。There is always a chorus of young men and women who sing and dance and often there is a pantomime horse.

一位小丑为了制造欢乐,用夸张的面部表情和手势模仿了人类千奇百怪的行为举止。A clown is making merry, gently caricaturing all manners of human traits with his grimaces and pantomime.

任何时候提到紧急救援问题,默克尔表现的都像哑剧演员一样不情愿掷出更多的钱。Whenever the question of bailouts is mentioned, Merkel acts out a pantomime of reluctance to dish out more cash.

猿类被屈打得顺从,被迫模仿对于它们来说是莫名其妙,难以理解的人类行为举止。Apes are routinely beaten into submission and forced to pantomime human behaviors that are foreign and confusing.

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例如看一场童话剧,环城旅游一圈或者去一家从未考虑过的饭店大吃一顿。For example, go and see a children's pantomime , take a city tour or dine in a restaurant i would have never thought of trying.

但是这次没有童话中的坏蛋,如反叛的售货员或是毫无能力的经理,使得故事的叙述变得有意义。But this time there are no pantomime villains, like bolshy shop stewards or incompetent managers, to make sense of the narrative.

一开始,两个人看上去像正常的女士走在路上,搞笑的鬼脸和欢快的傻气舞蹈有如哑剧一样让她俩原型毕露。Initially the two look like proper ladies out for a stroll, a pantomime that gives way to funny faces and charmingly goofy choreography.