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岛上甚至有私家飞机跑道。The island even has its own private airstrip.

一架喷气式飞机滑行并降落在一个偏僻的飞机跑道上。A jet plane lands and taxis onto a remote airstrip.

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今天游览到这个庄园,起点就在旧飞机跑道所在位置附近。Today a visit to the estate begins near the site of the old airstrip.

当天晚上我和最可信赖的助手卡索科拉来到了飞机跑道。That evening I went to the airstrip with Kasokola, my most trusted assistant.

在高海拔地区建机场,由于空气稀薄的原因,需要一个较长的跑道。Airports at higher altitudes require a longer airstrip due to lower air density.

我发现,有雅马哈店南侧镇,过去的简易机场。I found that there was a Yamaha shop on the south side of town, past the airstrip.

同一天一条可以供轻型飞机起降的跑道在古土里投入使用。An airstrip capable of handling light aircraft was opened at Koto -ri that same day.

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一天他注意到库克草地跑道的尽头有一架扭曲的PiperTri-Pacer飞机。One day he noticed a crumpled Piper Tri-Pacer at the endof Mr. Cook's grass airstrip.

他们和大约有3000人组成的支持卡扎菲的部队在厂区道路上进行战斗。They battled with about 3, 000 pro-Gaddafi troops, mainly around the facility's airstrip.

这就是1984年的伦敦,也就是大洋国一号机场省的主要城市。This, in 1984, is London, chief city of Airstrip One, a province of the state of Oceania.

据报道,新的卫星图像显示,中方正在南海美济礁建设机场跑道。China appears to be building an airstrip on Meiji Jiao as is shown in new satellite images.

研究开发了用于测量飞机跑道摩擦系数的测试车。A vehicle used to measure the friction coefficients of airstrip is researched and developed.

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今天6点54分,一架C-130J大力神飞机在世界海拔最高的斗拉特贝奥地飞机跑道降落。A C-130J Super Hercules landed at DBO, the highest airstrip in the world, at 0654 hours today.

中国军队夺回柳州机场。注意跑道中的大坑。LIUCHOW AIRSTRIP as it looked when Chinese troops recaptured the airfield. Note large craters in runway.

对于机场跑道,你可以每隔20英尺设定坐标,你知道它跑不了。"You could have the co-ordinates of every 20ft of airstrip preprogrammed and you know it is not going to move, " he said.

然后又为了要载我们到湖的最佳景点,厢型车沿著简便跑道开到半途,我们得涉过矮树丛。Later, to get a good vantage point of the lake, our van drove about halfway down the airstrip and we trudged into low brush.

在南沙的中业岛,菲律宾自1975年就建了一个军用飞机跑道。On the Spratly Island of Zhongye Dao, thePhilippine government has had a military airstrip since 1975 known as RanudoAir Field.

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尽管在此次紧急迫降中,飞机跑道不够长,但经验老到的飞行员还是让飞机滑行了一段时间后就停了下来。Although the airstrip is not long enough in the urgent landing, the veteran pilot still stopped the plane after it slipped for some time.

身上的弹孔显示当时她试图从这条被长久遗忘的热带机场升空时,被盟军战机攻击的情形。Bullet holes showed where it had been attacked by Allied fighter planes as it struggled to take off from the long-forgotten tropical airstrip.

我租了一个小型单引擎赛斯纳飞行器,让我们飞入一个靠近Gedik河的小型飞机草地跑道,它是塞皮克河北部的一条支流。I chartered a little single engine Cessna to fly us into a small grass airstrip near the Gedik river, a northern tributary of the Sepik river.