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索菲亚在漫长的一天工作后回到了家中。Sofia comes home after a long day of work.

普列文保加利亚北部一城市,位于索菲亚东北。A city of northern Bulgaria northeast of Sofia.

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马特·狄龙,索非亚科波拉和黛安,1983年。Matt Dillon, Sofia Coppola and Diane Lane, 1983

索菲亚·罗兰于1934年9月20日在罗马出生。Sofia Scicolone was on September 20, 1934 in Rome.

索菲亚·罗兰于1934年9月20日在罗马出生。Born Sofia Scicolone, on September 20, 1934, in Rome.

在巴拿马警察逮捕他时,索菲亚和他儿子小林肯跑开了。As the Panamanian police capture him, Sofia and LJ run.

在中美洲,林肯和索非亚一起快乐地生活着。In Central America, Linc and Sofia live happily together.

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我可以搭乘后面的巴士到伊斯坦布尔或索菲亚。I could always catch the bus up later in Istanbul or Sofia.

迈可命令“将军”叫人放了索非亚,他遵照执行了。Michael orders Krantz to have Sofia released, and he does so.

那时,索非亚·拉扎罗已知名,1952年更名为索非亚·罗兰。Sofia Lazzaro, as she was then known, became Sophia Loren in 1952.

酒店公主索非亚提供各种巴塞罗那的餐馆和酒吧。Hotel Princesa Sofia offers a variety of Barcelona restaurants and bars.

做客而来的索非亚队的一号、二号门将同时受伤,无法比赛。Levski Sofia arrive without their two top choice goalkeepers, both injured.

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勒沃斯基的中场卢西奥•瓦格纳批评切尔西。Levski Sofia midfielder Lucio Wagner has slammed Chelsea's Champions League credentials.

我回到家后一直打电话给苏菲亚,但她不肯接电话。When I got home, I called Sofia over and over again, but she wouldn't pick up the phone.

当上总统后,我和希拉里与胡安.卡洛斯国王和索菲娅王后成为了朋友。When I was President, Hillary and I became friends with King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia.

在另一次选美比赛中,她遇到了制片人即后来成她丈夫的卡洛·庞帝。Sofia met producer and future husband Carlo Ponti while competing in another beauty contest.

索菲亚·罗兰是意大利的奥斯卡最佳女主角奖得主,本名索非亚•维拉尼•斯希科隆。Sophia Loren is an Academy Award winning Italian film actress, born Sofia Villani Scicolone.

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歌手索非亚。卡尔格伦是第一位签约中国大陆录制专辑的西方歌手。Singer Sofia Kallgren is set to be the first westerner to record an album with a mainland label.

用他的话来说,新法西斯主义的幽灵正在索非亚和其他大城市中游荡。The spectre of neo-fascism, as he put it, was stalking the streets of Sofia and other big cities.

索非亚科波拉,著名导演弗郎西斯福德科波拉的女儿,在。Sofia Coppola, daughter of famed director, Francis Ford Coppola, played Saché in The Phantom Menace.