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采用小晶片分流原理。Using small-chip shunt theorem.

涡度和凯尔文法则。Vorticity and Kelvin's theorem.

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这就是动能定理。This is the work-energy theorem.

这就证明了勾股定理This proves Pythagorean Theorem.

勾股定理和四边形。Pythagorean theorem and quadrangle.

这是一个金融学的理论问题。This is about a theorem in finance.

求通量的格林公式是怎样的呢?What does Green's theorem for flux say?

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柯西不等式、刘维尔定理。Cauchy inequalities, Liouville's Theorem.

那么散度定理究竟讲的是什么?So, what does the divergence theorem say?

发现了卷积的一个新性质。A new theorem of convolutions so obtained.

阿罗悖论是经济理论界的哥德尔定理。Arrow paradox is the economics Godel theorem.

在毕达哥拉斯定理中还有更复杂的例子。More complicated example Pythagoras's theorem.

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它的逆命题就是下面这个定理。So, now, the converse is the following theorem.

有一个版本的格林公式是用来求通量的。There is a version of Green's theorem for flux.

特征多项式和那个定理。Characteristic polynomial, Cayley-Hamilton theorem.

本文给出了该定理的一个直接证明。A direct proof of the theorem is given in this paper.

理解欧几里得对毕德哥拉斯定理的证明。Understand Euclid's proof of the Pythagorean Theorem.

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你不能把格林公式用到这个向量场。You cannot apply Green's theorem to the vector field.

给出该类半群的一个构造定理。A construction theorem for such semigroup is obtained.

否则垂直轴定理不能应用。Otherwise the perpendicular axis theorem doesn't work.