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迦太基是腓尼基人的殖民地Carthage is a colony of Phoenician cities.

错!那是阿拉伯数字!字符的起源是腓尼基语。Wrong! that's numbers! Characters' origin is Phoenician.

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希腊人通过和腓尼基人的贸易学会了腓尼基字母。The Greeks learned the Phoenician alphabet by trading with them.

一个拥有千座努拉格建筑和神秘的腓尼基城市色彩的岛屿。The island of a thousand nuraghi and of the mysterious phoenician city.

马赛是建立在一个原先的腓尼基殖民地旧址上的希腊城。Marseilles was a Greek town established on the site of an earlier Phoenician colony.

希腊人使用腓尼基字母创造了自己的文字,并于前776年召开了第一次奥林匹克运动会。Greeks use the Phoenician alphabet created their own characters, and the first to be held before the 4776 Olympic Games.

无论两河流域还是红海沿岸的古埃及以及腓尼基人和希伯莱人,全部遵循了这一传统。Whether ancient Mesopotamia or the Red Sea coast of Egypt and Phoenician and Hebrew, all of whom followed this tradition.

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罗马历史学家普林尼说,腓尼基水手无意中发现了如何使300多万年前的玻璃。The Roman historian Pliny said that Phoenician sailors accidentally discovered how to make glass over three thousand years ago.

腓尼基王子,他杀死了一条龙并将其牙齿撒开去,牙齿撒到的地方突然出现一队人马,互相攻打,直到仅有五人幸存方才罢休。Phoenician prince who killed a dragon and sowed its teeth, from which sprang up an army of men who fought one another until only five survived.

在现在我们能体验他们居住在腓尼基,迦太基城,希腊神殿,罗马露天剧场,阿拉伯诺曼城堡和教堂的感受和阿拉贡遗产。Experience their legacy in Phoenician settlements, Punic cities, Greek temples, Roman amphitheatres, Norman Arab castles and Aragonese churches.

早期阿拉姆语字母和许多人一样,是基于古代腓尼基文字,但在时间的发展独特而鲜明的风格。The early Aramaic alphabet like many others was based on the Ancient Phoenician script but in time it developed its own unique and distinctive style.

马耳他人的确切起源是什么?他们的语言似乎非常接近现代的黎巴嫩语。腓尼基起源理论是可行的吗?What are the exact origins of Maltese people? Their language seems to be closely related to today's Lebanese. Is the Phoenician origin theory viable?

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它是古代腓尼基城的遗址,那时可能是用于朝拜太阳神的地方,现在因其大量的罗马遗迹而闻名。It is the site of an ancient Phoenician city probably devoted to the worship of Baal and is now noted for its extensive Roman ruins. Population, 24,000.

希腊文字由腓尼基文字与拉丁字母发展而来,外型有时介于两者之间,是活文明的碎片。Developed sometime between the appearance of the Phoenician and Latin alphabets, the Greek system of written language is a shard of a living civilization.

腓尼基王子,他杀死了一条龙,并将龙的牙齿撒在地上变成一队人马。这队人马相互较量直到只剩下五个人才罢手。Cadmus was a phoenician prince who killed a dragon and sowed its teeth, from which sprang up an army of men who fought one another until only five survived.

不论是腓尼基人,玻里尼西亚人,阿拉伯人,威金人或是中世纪欧洲人,水手们的知识和成就都是对我们文化长河的贡献。Whether Phoenician or Polynesian, Arab, Viking or Medieval European, the lore of the sailor and his achievements have contributed to the streams of our culture.

它曾是最雄伟的腓尼基城市,当时腓尼基人统治着一些海域,建立了像卡地兹和迦太基这样繁荣的殖民地。This great Phoenician city ruled the seas and founded prosperous colonies such as Cadiz and Carthage, but its historical role declined at the end of the Crusades.

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数年前,一尊名为导航者的古代腓尼基雕像从巴格达博物馆里面被盗了出来。许多人都不惜代价想得到这尊雕像,甚至付上了自己的生命。Years ago, an ancient Phoenician statue known as the Navigator was stolen from the Baghdad Museum, and there are men who would do anything to get their hands on it.

主要旅游点有腓尼基时代兴建的毕卜鲁斯城、古罗马时代兴建的巴尔贝克城和十字军时代兴建的赛达城堡。Major tourist spots have completed the construction of Phoenician era Bulushi City, the construction of ancient Roman times Assad City and the construction of the Crusades era Saida castle.

腓尼基王子,他杀死了一条龙并将其牙齿播种下去,种牙齿的地方突然出现一队人马,互相厮打,直到仅剩五人幸存。Phoenician prince who killed a dragon and sowed its teeth, from which sprang up an army of men who fought one another until only five survived. With these five men Cadmus founded the city of Thebes.