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休谟在爱丁堡有一座房子。Hume had a house in Edinburgh.

我在爱丁堡参加过一次`母鸡派对`。I was at a hen party in Edinburgh.

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我们第一站停在易丁伯格。Our first stop will be in Edinburgh.

汤姆考搭顺风车去了爱丁堡。Tom went to Edinburgh by hitch-hiking.

这条路连接伦敦和爱丁堡。The road connects London and Edinburgh.

他们中途在爱丁堡停留过夜。They stopped off overnight in Edinburgh.

所以,现在我要回爱丁堡了。Yeah, so now I'm going back to Edinburgh.

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格莱托说她是乘火车去爱丁堡的。Gretel said she went by train to Edinburgh.

伦敦有庞大的地下铁路网。This railway connects London and Edinburgh.

这儿到爱丁堡有直通电话吗?Can I telephone Edinburgh directly from here?

爱丁堡的日落,跟张夏一起看的。Watched sunset in Edinburgh with best friend.

我到哪里等候开往爱丁堡的快车呢?Where do I wait for the express to Edinburgh?

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因为我们要在爱丁堡亮相。because we are taking a show up to Edinburgh.

我没告诉过你他刚回到爱丁堡吗?Did I not tell you he had returned to Edinburgh?

他与她私奔爱丁堡和她结婚。He eloped with her to Edinburgh and married her.

我是英国爱丁堡龙比亚大学的BA学生。I am a BA student in Edinburgh Napier University.

在爱丁堡郊区的山上拍摄的美丽晚霞。The afterlight captured over a hill in Edinburgh.

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你开得太慢了。开快点,否则我们永远也到不了爱丁堡。Do speed up a bit or we'll never get to Edinburgh.

上个月,这对情侣终于如愿以偿在爱丁堡举行婚礼。The couple finally married last month in Edinburgh.

博思韦尔和我率领着军队驱马回到爱丁堡。Bothwell and I rode back to Edinburgh with the army.