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托马斯杰斐逊在1805年举行第一次开放日。Thomas Jefferson held the first Inaugural open house in 1805.

首届奥运会自行车公路赛是在马拉松的赛道上进行的。That inaugural Olympic road race was held on the marathon course.

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2007年阿奇比被授予国际布克奖。In 2007 Achebe was awarded the inaugural Man Booker International prize.

在三场系列测试赛中,澳大利亚队总比分2-1取胜,首捧奖杯。Australia won the first test series 2-1 and claimed the inaugural trophy.

在1812年的第二届就职舞会上,白宫用于招待的食物中就有冰激淋。Ice Cream was served in the Whitehouse, in 1812, at the second Inaugural Ball.

它的高潮在于公元八十年的一场百日竞技。It climaxes with the inaugural games in 80AD, which lasted over a hundred days.

问题是,总统在自己的就职演说中是否达到了巅峰状态。The question is, did the President hit the right notes in his inaugural speech.

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他发表的就职演讲也体现了辉格党人的政治宗旨。He even delivered an Inaugural Address, but it seemed full of good Whig doctrine.

有一些总统的经典语句出自他们的就职演说。Some of the best-remembered words of presidents came from their inaugural addresses.

44会议典礼的开幕代表着英国第一次大型的信息安全专家会议的诞生。The inaugural 44Con was Britain's first major conference for the good guys of infosec.

首届橄榄球世界杯于1987年由澳大利亚和新西兰联合举办。The inaugural Rugby World Cup was jointly hosted by Australia and New Zealand in 1987.

林肯的就职演说,勇敢,祭文,因为它被说成飓风。Lincoln's inaugural address, brave and elegiac as it was, was speaking into a hurricane.

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我在就职演说中指出,我们百衲而成的传统是一种优势,而非劣势。In my inaugural address I said that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness.

马里奥泰森认为首次新加坡大奖赛将会非常得特殊。Mario Theissen believes that the inaugural Singapore GP will be very special. , Pq, O' a2

丹尼尔.韦伯斯特在没有得到邀请的情况下就为新总统写好了就职演说词。Daniel Webster, without even being asked, wrote an inaugural speech for the new president.

就职演说是美国人对巴拉克.奥巴马总统的第一印象。The Inaugural Address is the first impression Americans will get of President Barack Obama.

美国总统就职演说是政治演讲的一种。American presidential inaugural address is a-sub-component of the public political speaking.

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首航仪式将于九月二日在天津滨海国际机场举行。The inaugural ceremony will be held September 2 in the Tianjin Binhai International Airport.

一九九七至二零零二年,他获选出任香港材料研究学会首任会长。He was the inaugural president of the Hong Kong Materials Research Society from 1997 to 2002.

对我个人而言,为这个演讲会作首场式讲话是悲喜交集的。Well, this is a bittersweet moment for me personally to deliver this first inaugural lecture.