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我乘火车到伦敦。I trained to London.

莪们动裑到伦敦。We set off for London.

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诺城,伦敦街。Norwich, London Street.

陈先世正在游览伦敦。Chen is visiting London.

他是在伦敦长大的。He was nursed in London.

我船始发港是伦敦。My departure was London.

伦敦这点挺好的,It's a nice bit of London

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我想他现在在伦敦。I believe he is in London.

我在伦敦过了一宿。I spent a night in London.

海迪在伦敦幸福吗?Was Heidi happy in London?

我们打算留在伦敦。We tend to stay in London.

你们何时抵达伦敦的?When did you reach London?

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伦敦的用户长途直通号码是071。STD code for London is 071.

再远一些就是伦敦西部。Further away is West London.

卡伦密店在伦敦。Karen Millen shop in London.

伦敦是个多雾的城市。London is a very foggy city.

在伦敦你举目无亲。Up in London you are nobody.

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威丽优质伦敦口味纯干杜松子酒。Wembley London Dry Gin N. V.

他定于明日到达伦敦。He is due in London tomorrow.

我是斐利亚·福克,英国伦敦人。I am Phileas Fogg, of London.