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泰晤士河在默默消蚀着游船。Thames erode ships be silent.

进食紊乱症腐蚀牙釉质Eating Disorders Erode Tooth Enamel

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雨水将慢慢地腐蚀掉他的生命契约。The rain will erode the deeds of his life.

记忆,真的是被时间销蚀成了碎片?Memory, it is time to become debris erode ?

因为时间销蚀不了记忆里地炮烙。Because of the time can not erode to memory.

正在生长的树木下面的森林土壤一般不会被冲刷。Forest soil under growing trees generally does not erode.

这些支流系即为蚀出走向谷的次生河。These tributaries are subsequent streams which erode strike valley.

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这些严重的不平等侵蚀了该地区的社会凝聚力。These high levels of inequality erode social cohesion in the region.

海平面升高会慢慢侵蚀全球的海岸。A sea level rise that could slowly erode shorelines across the globe.

美国人心中上帝赋予了他们独一无二的品质的信念开始逐渐丧失。America's belief in its own God-ordained uniqueness started to erode.

不仅如此,这些毒素也让植物,城墙和古迹难以幸免。Likewise, the toxins can damage plants and erode walls and monuments.

上升的海洋可能侵蚀海岸线,破坏地下水。Rising seas threaten to erode the coastline and spoil thegroundwater.

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洪水侵蚀了下面建筑物的支撑物,它们就倾斜并倒下了。Flood waters erode support from under buildings, so they tilt and fall.

反复的胃酸呕吐会严重损坏牙釉质。The stomach acid from repeated vomiting can severely erode tooth enamel.

不要让更改规则这种状况削弱你的信用值,降低人们的信任度。Don't let your credibility and people's trust erode by retrofitting rules.

看着飞涨的房价,我的希望一点点的销蚀。Looked at the soaring housing prices, I hope that's a little bit of erode.

湿气和各种液体或水分都会腐蚀电子线路。Humidity, and all kinds of liquids or moisture will erode electronic wires.

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场址的地下水,对房基混凝土砼无侵蚀。The groundwater in the building site will not erode the foundation concrete.

记忆就像岩石,时间和距离如酸质般将它侵蚀。—雨果•贝蒂。Memories are like stones, time and distance erode them like acid. —Ugo Betti.

安山小流域属低山丘陵中度侵蚀区,水土流失严重。Anshan basin is low mountains middle erode area, the soil eroded very serious.