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这里是大垃地。This is the Big Sleazy.

因为这看起来太低劣了。It just looked too sleazy.

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他们把我带到一个后街的肮脏的旅馆。They took me to a sleazy back-street hotel.

那样的人通常代表着不诚恳与不体面。A yes man often comes off as insincere and sleazy.

在俄罗斯,不分性别的洗浴房很少,多少有点肮脏的含义。In Russia, mixed-sex banyas are rare and have a somewhat sleazy connotation.

但是高中后,他就常常泡在酒吧、廉价脱衣舞会。But after High school he often hung out in local bars or sleazy strip joints.

我们有很多法子能叫咱正大光明毫不猥琐的碰一个女孩。Break the touch barrier. There are several ways to touch a girl without being sleazy.

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她表示要让英国政治变得“性感而不低俗”,比如减除幼儿家庭的税收。She vowed to make politics "sexy instead of sleazy" -- and make childcare tax deductible.

那么是如何看待戛纳节的呢?它像他说的那样浮浅么?。J – So what did you think of Cannes? Is it as sleazy and superficial as they all say it is?

旅馆很脏热水很小,但只有一件事情我最记得。The hot water was not pouring and the hotel was sleazy. But one thing I rember very distincly.

女人总是想当然地认为,男人聚在一堆是为了聊低俗的性,事实并非如此。Women have always assumed that men huddle in groups for sleazy sex chats, but that isn't true.

他们甚至将舒尔茨和死在肮脏的加利福尼亚一个性变态手里的韦利侯根抛到九霄云外去了。They’d even forgotten fat Schultz and the wiley Hogan, who’d died a sex freak in sleazy California.

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最初设计的咧嘴猫嗤笑的形象,让人觉得仿佛肮脏的猫贩子的嘴脸。This original design for the Cheshire Cat makes that big grin look like a sleazy car salesman smile.

纳拉扬先生说,腐败肮脏的政府阻碍了印度的发展,使印度与中国竞争中的力量严重受损。Bad, sleazy government, Mr Narayan says, is holding India back, crippling the country in its race with China.

如果一个女孩发现自己在你关注她之前就已经被你吸引,那么你就是危险的且她会避免同你接触。If a girl finds out that you are attracted to her, before she isattracted to you, then you are creepy and sleazy.

这意味着他们得依靠那些良莠不齐的代理公司来发售他们的作品来维持生计。That means they must rely onsometimes sleazy talent agents or their own marketing abilities to sellthemselves to make a living.

图片上的这两个人物使我们想起当我们妥协出我们自己的真理时我们可能会进入的那种自甘堕落和阴谋的情况。The two figures on this card remind us of the sleazy and conspiratorial situations we can get into when we compromise our own truth.

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打造一个貌似口碑不错的网站是件很容易的事,这是在纽约运河街卖手机和苹果配件的商家永远都不能比的。Websites can be made to look reputable in a way that a sleazy middleman selling Air Phones and Apple-a-likes on Canal Street never could.

大多数证据显示圣灵抵抗军是一个在中非一些地区制造恐怖流血事件的肮脏派别。Most evidence indicates that the LRA is a sleazy faction that has sown terror and bloodshed throughout several portions of Central Africa.

如果龌龊之人溜进你的家,开始在你的孩子面前脱衣服,你会欢迎他们,且让全家人一起观看吗?If sleazy people sneaked into your home and started undressing in front of your kids, would you welcome them and let the whole family watch?