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她是个敏感的艺术家。An artist of unschooled talents.

数百万儿童仍然失学。Millions of children are still unschooled.

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全世界生活贫困、食不果腹、没有文化的人口以妇女为主。Women comprise the majority of the world's poor, unfed and unschooled.

没有学问是指彼得和约翰并没有在祭司的培训学校正式修道。Unschooled meant they had not gone to Training School to become a Priest.

全世界生活贫困、食不果腹、没有文化的人口仍以妇女占多数。Women still comprise the majority of the world’s poor, unfed, and unschooled.

开心垄断变成一种商品,连普通的民众可以顿挫。Happily that monopoly turned into a commodity that even ordinary, unschooled people could have.

非学校教育儿童对自己的教育完全负责,家长从不帮助孩子学习。Unschooled children are completely responsible for their own education and parents never help their children learn.

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任一种在家学习者都可以使用这些方法,在家上学的孩子就以此为学习活动的开端。While any type of homeschoolers may also use these methods, the unschooled child initiates these learning activities.

另外,对没有文化的公众也采取海报、传单和小册子的方式进行教育。In addition, posters, brochures and factsheets were being distributed in a bid to educate the largely unschooled public.

接受非学校教育的孩子更能了解自己,学习积极性也更高,而这些方面在常规学校里则容易被扼杀。Unschooled children are more in touch with themselves and have a fire to learn that can otherwise be vanquished in school.

多年来,我为来自世界各地的人──穷人、富人、年轻人、老年人、受过教育和没有受过教育的人──举办讲座。For years, I’ve taught workshops attended by people from around the world – poor, rich, young, old, schooled, and unschooled.

房间里还摆着一架钢琴和小风琴,克莱夫坐下弹奏起来,对于没有受过音乐教育的听众而言,演奏听起来仍然具有很高的造诣。The room also holds a piano and a small organ. Clive sits down to play and, to the unschooled ear, sounds extremely accomplished.

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我祝愿这个地方象美国很多其他地方一样,可以让所有不上学的孩子们一起享用。I hoped this farm could be one of many such places around the country, where unschooled kids could spend time with other unschoolers.

接受非学校教育的孩子可能会很好的适应一些旨在提高孩子身体素质的训练,如芭蕾或东方武术之类的课程。Unschooled children may adapt well to courses where instruction is "sequenced to develop physical skills" such as with ballet or martial arts.

1937年,没受过正规教育而年方17的火炎,离开家乡来到了槟城,投靠于伯父陈汉玉并当起了一名打杂。In 1937, at the age of seventeen, an unschooled Hoay Eam left his home in Amoy to come to Penang to work as a store-hand for his uncle, Tan Han Geok.

当晚,有人对卫斯理牧师抱怨说,这些未受教育的传道人是多麽无知,竟连自己所传讲的经文都不瞭解。Later that night someone came to Wesley to complain about unschooled preachers who were too ignorant even to know the meaning of the texts they were preaching on.

一位作家曾对多数未受过教育的美国人做出“武装暴民”这个家喻户晓的描述,一些开国元勋担心这群人会把这个新国家引向何方。Some of the Founding Fathers feared the direction in which the unschooled majority of Americans, a “rabble in arms” in one author’s famous description, might take their new country.