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你看的那本杂志我不喜欢。Esa revista que lees no me gusta.

酒渣慢慢地沉淀下来。The lees of wine gradually subside.

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这同资政的观察是完全相符的。This observation is consistent with Mr Lees.

在庇护中得以安定的意义是什麽?What is the meaning of "settled on their lees"?

这可急坏了爸爸,他急忙请隔壁的李叔叔帮忙。Father was so anxious that he went to uncle lees.

或者至少,你不必把它告诉乔安娜·李。Or at least, you don't have to tell that to Joanne Lees.

李一家正在讨论搬到城市的问题。The Lees are discussing the problem of moving to the city.

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酒渣沉淀后获取的蜜汁,赋予了其丰富的酒体。A honey character, from lees contact, gives the wine depth.

“我们目的在于降低共同特性”里兹说。"We aimed to go for a lower common denominator," Lees said.

瑞·李斯在这次交易中带领商业法规集团。Ray Lees led Commercial Law Group's team on the transaction.

简而言之就是除了李家,所有人都可以被调查。This imply that all others can be investigated except the LEEs.

这款霞多丽在旧法国桶内成年12个月以上。This wine is fermented in older French ock and aged on lees for 12 months.

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粉煤灰、糟、泥是是工业三废中具代表性的三种废弃物。Fly ash, lees and sludge are three representational castoffs from industry.

粉煤灰、糟、泥是是工业三废中具代表性的三种废弃物。Fly ash , lees and sludge are three representational castoffs from industry.

由于葡萄酒与酒渣接触时间过长而带上的令人不快的味道。Taste of lees. Unpleasat taste acquired by wines kept fot too long on their lees.

利兹承诺微软将在年底推出超越这些界面的产品。Lees promised that Microsoft would surpass those interfaces by the end of the year.

利兹同样也保证微软将与硬件生产商开展更近距离的合作。Lees also promised that Microsoft would start working more closely with hardware makers.

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本文主要综述了啤酒糟在食品、饲料、酶制剂方面的应用。In this paper, the use of beer lees in the production of food, feedstuff and zymin was reviewed.

黄酒糟中有丰富的营养,应充分开发利用。Besides, yellow rice wine lees contained abundant nutrient substances, which should be full used.

因此,机压丢糟包包曲用于酿酒生产是可行的。Therefore, it is feasible to make liquor using machine-compressed wrapped starters with waste lees.