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看看这只垂头丧气的秃鹰。Check out this lappet-faced vulture.

这是一只鲁氏粗毛秃鹫。This is the Ruppell's Griffon Vulture.

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他们会采取进攻,就像秃鹰捕食猎物一样。They attack it, like a vulture on prey.

该产品由老挝红酸枝精雕而成。This product becomes by a Laos red acid vulture.

我们看见一只秃鹫正在贪婪地啄食腐尸。We saw a vulture gorging on some rotting carcase.

有些东西就连秃鹰吃了也会噎着。There are some things that would gag even a vulture.

该产品由老挝红酸枝精雕而成。This product becomes by a Laos red acid fine vulture.

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本产品由紫檀瘤精雕而成。This product becomes by the red sandalwood lump fine vulture.

一只兀鹰在加州的某个沙漠里展开双翼。A turkey vulture spreads its wings in one of California's deserts.

这群秃鹰正在等着孩子死去,好吃他的肉。The vulture is waiting for the child to die so that they can eat it.

精雕细凿,在每一个精微之处,都可见证其非凡匠心。Vulture thin chisel, in each place, its special originality can witness.

看看这只皱脸秃鹫。你会惹这只鸟的麻烦吗?Check out this lappet-faced vulture. Would you wanna mess with this bird?

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这是一只生活在墨西哥拉埃斯佩兰萨生态保护区里的国王秃鹫。A king vulture at the La Esperanza ecological sanctuary in Ixtapaluca, Mexico

一个裸体女人,奶水从肿胀的双乳涌出,一手捧著秃鹫。A naked Lady, with swelling breasts full of Milk, with a Vulture on her Hand.

一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。Generation day empower , Genghis Khan, knows curved bow to shoot big vulture.

斑比盗龙拥有与现代的土耳其秃鹰一样敏锐的嗅觉。Bambiraptor had a keen sniffer similar to that of a modern-day turkey vulture.

但是宙斯让他的肝每晚又复原,每天兀鹰都会来啄食。But Zens made the liver grow back each night, and every day the vulture ate it.

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最后,一个单一的光芒从俯伏充分的秃鹰眼。Finally, a single ray of light shot from out and fell full upon the vulture eye.

对康多兀鹫和秃鹫骨骼进行了系统地比较。A complete comparison on skeleton of Andean condor and cinereous vulture was carried out.

实现的词人们或事在您的周围是“收兑,情绪,雕”。Words that embody people or things in your periphery are" Redemption, Sentiment, Vulture".