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我对所有到会者表示感谢。I'm indebted to all the people present.

打扰了你我感到非常过意不去。I'm very much indebted for having troubled you.

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现如今市场又将焦点转向了欧元区内的其他债务国。Now the focus is on other indebted countries in the euro area.

而未留遗嘱的,不仅仅是年轻人和负翁。It isn't just the young and indebted who haven't written a will.

他对网游永远有亏欠,因为他的妻子正是他网游里碰见的。He's forever indebted to MMOs, because he met his wife playing one.

现在,消费者如此负债累累,他们已无法借得更多了。Now consumers are so heavily indebted that they cannot borrow more.

在经济正常时期,即使最无望的负债者也能归还一点欠款。In a healthy economy, even the hopelessly indebted can pay something.

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日本政府的负债比其他任何一个主要经济体都要高。Japan's government is more indebted than any of its major-economy peers.

这些方法不能全面反映负债融资的收益与风险。The methods cant reflect lucre and risk of raising money indebted overall.

没有人有感恩之心,因为太多的人不懂得去真系别人。No one indebted for o the rs, while many people don't know how to cherish others.

但其他公司则有着高负债,以便度过难关But other companies get heavily indebted and then they can go through big problems.

我十分感激那些为聚会取得圆满成功而不辞辛劳的人们。I am indebted to all the people who worked so gape to make the party a great success.

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钱百万对陈天放感激不尽,就决定以后跟陈天放同仇敌忾。The money of Chen Tianfang million decided to indebted forever, Chen Tianfang hatred.

按照冈根人的传统,加·加必须报答奎-冈·金的救命之恩。By Gungan tradition, Jar Jar found himself indebted to Qui-Gon Jinn for saving his life.

似乎只有那些山珍海味才能体现他们对老师有多么的感激。It seems that only all sorts of delicacies can show how much they feel indebted to teachers.

我并不以为目前的幸福,都是出于你对我的一片感恩图报之心。I am not indebted for my present happiness to your eager desire of expressing your gratitude.

毕竟经济,公共财政以及房奴遭到了巨大的负面冲击。The economy, the public finances and indebted homebuyers have suffered large negative shocks.

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所以,绝对不要接受这样的恩惠,这是一个很普遍的小伎俩,让你觉得受愧于谁。Absolutely do not accept this offer, it is a very common trick to get you indebted to someone.

潘杜又再次鞠个躬,这回他可是真的弯下腰来了。Pandu bowed again, this time deeply and reverently. "Now I am truly indebted to you, " he said.

随着世界各地的贷款抽资离去,许多负债累累的新兴市场国家都出现了本币暴跌。Plenty of indebted emerging-market countries have seen currencies collapse as global lenders flee.