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动名词部分当作名词,部分当作动词。Gerund is used partly as a noun, partly as a verb.

你混淆了现在分词和动名词的用法。You've got mixed up by the use of participle and gerund.

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巩固动词单数第三人称的用法和动名词的用法。To review and reinforce the use of "third person " gerund.

动词名中的动词一定是及物动词,主语为此动词的感官对象。The gerund must be VT, with the subject as its sense object.

动名词不应与现在分词混淆。The gerund must not be confused with the present participle.

一词可与主动语态的动名语连用。The word"worth"can be construed with a gerund in active voice.

动名词是英语教学中一项重要语法内容。Gerund is an important part of English grammar in English teaching.

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动名词和分词的区别,我分不出来。I have trouble telling the difference between a gerund and a participle.

英语语法中,动名词具有与现在分词完全一样的形式。In english grammar the gerund has exactly the same form as the present participle.

英语“语法”中,动名词具有与现在分词完全一样的形式。In English grammar, the gerund has exactly the same form as the present participle.

英语文法中,动名词具有与现在分词完全一样的形式。In english grammar the gerund have exactly the same form as the present participle.

某些动词后用不定式或动名词时,意思有不同。There can be a difference in meaning when the infinitive or the gerund is used after some verbs.

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本文专门探讨动名词的名词性逻辑主语产生根源、各种类别及其使用场合。This paper deals with the source, classification and the application of the nominal logical subject of gerund.

英语中动名词和现在分词在形式上和某些功能上都相同,在句子中很难区分。In English a gerund and a present participle are alike both in form and in some functions, so it is difficult to distinguish them in a sentence.

动词的动名词形式和不定式,表达了事件发生前设想好的某种计划,也不保证事件一定会发生。The gerund and infinitive form of a verb suggests that some sort of plan was made earlier before the event occurs and there is no assurance that the event will actually occur.

本文追溯了动名词和动词不定式的发展过程,从意义、时间、体和语气四个方面探讨了可出现在相同结构中的动名词和不定式的区别。This paper, reviewing the historical development of the gerund and the infinitive, makes a study of the distinctions between them with respect to meaning, time, aspect and mood.