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从遇火的惨状命运中解救。The horror of that fate.

桑妮喜不喜欢恐怖电影?。Does Sunny like horror movies?

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由于恐惧,他的声音发抖。His voice thrills with horror.

她恐惧得声音发抖。Her voice thrilled with horror.

她吓呆了。She was transfixed with horror.

这本小说是一本恐怖小说。This novel is a horror fiction.

突然,我惊恐地倒吸一口凉气。And suddenly I gasped in horror.

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我昨晚刚看了部恐怖电影。I saw a horror movie last night.

她惊恐地呆坐著。She sat motionlessly with horror.

我为不可名状的恐慌所控制。I was seized by a nameless horror.

可怜的小姑娘恐惧得发抖。The poor girl thrilled with horror.

滑翔翼的欧文斯谷恐怖!Hang Gliding Horror in Owens Valley!

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那条蛇把我吓患上直之后缩。I recoiled in horror from the snake.

恐怖分子的罪行令人发指。The terrorist crimes dripped horror.

娅的脸上流露出恐惧。Anthea's face was etched with horror.

那部新的电影很惊险啊。That new horror movie is hair-raising.

这部恐怖电影很吓人的。The horror movie was very frightening.

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这样死去是种无法形容的恐怖!Inexpressible is the horror of dying thus!

霍丽脸上的暴怒消失了,取而代之的是恐惧。The fury on Holly's face turned to horror.

有土鳖上有这样的恐怖的视频。There is video of this horror on you tube.