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因为其影响力所涵盖的对像是全人类,所以大家都尊敬他,推崇他。For this reason, he is non self. Hence all people respect and canonize him.

因为其影响力所涵盖的对像是全人类,所以大家都尊敬他们,推崇他们。For the reason, they are no attribute. Hence all people respect and canonize them.

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教宗若望保禄二世决定册封这些知名及不知名的殉道者为圣人,在同一天纪念他们。Pope John Paul II decided to canonize those whose names are known and unknown, giving them a single feast day.

医院管理工作中应该注重以人为本的文化,大力推崇人本管理的理念。We should pay attention to the theory of people foremost and canonize the person oriented in the hospital administration.

卢卡奇之后的思想家,无论是对总体性策略的褒扬,还是贬损,都显示了这一策略不可忽视的理论和实践的价值。The thinkers after Lukacs, whether canonize or depreciate for totality method all showed the value of the theory and practice.

如果你把清单降到任意一个数量,以无神简约主义的姿态也要把你封为圣人。There's no god of minimalism poised to canonize you if you squeeze your list of possessions down to some arbitrarily decided number.

如果你把清单降到任意一个数量,以无神简约主义的姿态也要把你封为圣人。There’s no god of minimalism poised to canonize you if you squeeze your list of possessions down to some arbitrarily decided number.

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他们认为,西方文化的本质是科学和民主,因而推崇西方文化的科学精神和民主精神,尤其是其科学性的特质。They believe that the western culture is scientific and democratic. They canonize the scientific and democratic spirit especially the scientific spirit.

把利他行为和利己行为放在相对立的位置上,这是绝大多数人所持的观点,也是一些学者所推崇的观点。At the present time, most of people deem that the altruistic behavior and the egoistic behavior are opposite behavior, and some scholars also canonize it.

但他们并不简单地否定中国传统文化的价值,对于前人的科技成果和科学精神,进行了认真的挖掘和褒扬。But they never deny China's traditional culture simply. They study and canonize the scientific production and scientific spirit of ancient Chinese people seriously.

他们不推崇任何道德标准,他们知道仁义忠信都是工具,更何况他们根本就不需要动用到这些工具,就能与人建立良好的互动关系。They don't need to canonize any moral rule. They know that benevolence, righteousness, loyalty and credit are tools. They can interact with other people without any tools.

战略专家们极力推崇“与众不同”和“持续的创新能力”以获得竞争优势,而事实上除了某些产业中的领导者,大多数企业难以做到。Strategic experts canonize that "making differences" and "innovating continuously" to get the competitive advantage. In fact, it is very difficult for most of the enterprises to do it.