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他是个大胆的恶汉。He was a bold wretch.

小坏蛋,你跑哪儿去了?Where have you been, wretch?

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他真是个窝囊废。He is really a worthless wretch.

那个混蛋竟然骚扰我女朋友。That wretch is hitting on my girl.

那个卑鄙的家伙遗弃了妻小。That wretch deserted his wife and children.

情愿干你那颗骄傲的心的仆隶。Thy proud heart's slave and vassal wretch to be.

你到底说不说你要去什么地方,穷光蛋?Will you tell me where you are going, you wretch?

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是哪个小坏蛋竟有狗胆来动我孩子的玩具?That wretch has had the audacity to touch my children's doll.

蒙主的奇异恩典,乐声何等甜美,拯救了像我这般无助的人。Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch ike me.

小坏蛋,你跑到哪里去了?杰瑞为了你大哭不止。Where have you been. wretch?Here is Jerry crying her eyes out fou you.

在选举中他扮演了一个跳梁小丑的角色。In the election , he played the role of a contemptible wretch making trouble.

可是,所有老员工都知道他是个卑鄙无耻的小人。However, the old employees know well that he is such a wretch and vicious person.

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是意识决定了善或恶,不幸或幸福,富有或贫穷。It is the mind that maketh good or ill, that maketh wretch or happy, rich or poor.

瘫痪后,他为他的妻子找情人,是窝囊废还是纯爷们?He searched for a lover for his wife after he became paralyzed, is he a wretch or a true man?

请大家来分析一下,瘫痪的他为老婆征情人,是窝囊废还是男子汉?He searches for a lover for his wife after he becomes paralyzed, is he a wretch or a true man?

他在他德克萨斯的农场度假,让其发言人代其发表意见。He was on a holiday break at his Texas wretch ranch and let his spokesman speak on his behalf.

“让那个卑鄙的家伙把我的钱拿走吧,”阿拉贝拉说,“我们绝不会为失去这笔钱而心痛的,只要我们两人互相恩爱。”"Let the wretch take my money, "said Arabella. "We'll never miss it, being blessed with each other. "

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龚光杰手忙脚乱的除下长裤,露出两条生满了黑毛的大腿。And now the wretch in a great fluster took off his outer trousers, revealing his fat black-hairy legs.

作为该业的果报,他就在此王舍城内,成为一贫穷、悲惨、潦倒的麻疯病者。And then as a result of that deed he became a poor, miserable wretch of a person in this very Rajagaha.

尔时王舍城有一麻疯病者苏巴菩达,乃贫穷、悲惨、潦倒之人。Now at that time in Rajagaha there was a leper named Suppabuddha, a poor, miserable wretch of a person.