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能给我来一杯四海为家吗?Can I get a cosmopolitan?

阿利坎特非常全球化。Alicante is very cosmopolitan.

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我去拿,四海为家,对吗?I'll get it. Cosmopolitan , right?

世界范围内的作家。This is a very cosmopolitan reading list.

由一个很开阔的人生观。Brigitta has such a cosmopolitan outlook on life.

这是个如此大的城市,如此世界性的城市,It's such a big city, like such a cosmopolitan city

没有哪个朝代如此热衷于漂泊和睁眼看世界。No dynasty had been so cosmopolitan and outward-looking.

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北京是中国的首都,它是一个国际都市。Beijing is the capital of China. It's a cosmopolitan city.

最后,老师又取出一个宥坐器。Finally, the teacher has to sit out a cosmopolitan device.

“我认为你会发现一个更具世界性的韩国,”她说。"I think you'll find a much more cosmopolitan Korea," she says.

“我认为你会发现一个更具世界性的韩国,”她说。"I think you'll find a much more cosmopolitan Korea, " she says.

中国比历史上任何时候都要繁荣和具有世界性。China is more prosperous and cosmopolitan than at any time in history.

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相对于中国西部来说,义乌对于穆斯林来说更具国际性和友好性。Yiwu is cosmopolitan and friendlier to Islam than parts of China's west.

而后这位歌手将要在拉斯维加斯的丽都酒店表演。The singer is due to perform later at the Cosmopolitan hotel in Las Vegas.

悉尼是位于澳洲东南海岸的一座友好的大都市。Sydney is a friendly cosmopolitan city on the south-east coast of Australia.

另一说称江都者,“乃江淮的一大都会”。Another said that those who said the Jiangdu, "is a cosmopolitan city Jianghuai."

世界的“作什么”永远应该由美国式的“如何作”所支配。The cosmopolitan what-to-do must always be commanded by the American how-to-do-it.

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甚至蒙古世界性的自由主义者也公然蔑视他们的南邻。Even cosmopolitan liberals are unabashedly disdainful of their southern neighbours.

在房地产热的高峰期,高尔夫球场和MGM城在建设中。At the peak of real estate boom, the construction of Cosmopolitan Club and MGM City.

在斯特泽尔眼里,深圳是一个有活力有朝气、现代而安全的大都市。Shenzhen is a lively, modern, dynamic, cosmopolitan and safe city in Sterzel's mind.