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她长年不变地读愚蠢的爱情小说。She is an inveterate reader of silly love stories.

这就是他如何成为老菸枪的方法。This is the way how he became an inveterate smoker.

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有时有人说我惯于装模作样。I am sometimes accused of being an inveterate poseur.

对杀人犯和惯偷惯盗,则使用铁质脚镣。Iron fetters are fastened on the legs of murderers and inveterate burglars.

这一串串故事就是永不停息的钟楼指针campanilista见证的乡土历史。Such are the strands of provincial history for the inveterate campanilista.

让一个嗜烟成性的瘾君子放弃香烟是很困难的。If we remain inveterate smokers, it is only because we have so often experienced.

最糟糕的在该国的儿童是他们根深蒂固的冲动,使用死刑,他们的玩具。The worst of children in the country is their inveterate impulse to use death as their toy.

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即根深蒂固的加尔文主义,还有一些事实,诸如,"万一溃堤了怎么办"Part of this sort of this inveterate Calvinism, and part of the fact that, "What if the dams burst?"

传统出行的人或许会在酒店门口坐在车上向酒店预定最后优惠的房间。Inveterate road warriors can book last-minute hotel bargains while sitting in a taxi at the entrance.

我是一个崇拜者存档冲动和一个积习已档案保管员在家庭一级。I happen to be an admirer of the archiving impulse and an inveterate archivist at the household level.

一旦系统配置完成,除非你会经常修改设置,你将很少会看到UAC。Once a system is configured, you'll rarely see UAC prompts unless you're an inveterate settings tweaker.

虽然沙国石油部长雅曼尼有时候认为是西方国家的顽敌,但是他常常采取斡旋妥协的立场。While he is sometimes viewed as the West's inveterate enemy, Yamani has often taken conciliatory stances.

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我们期待当问题得到清理是它数百万的铁杆用户压抑已久的tweet喷涌而出。and from its millions of inveterate users, we expect an outpouring of pent-up Tweeting when this gets sorted out.

成瘾药物所产生的奖赏记忆的长久性可能是成瘾长期性的重要原因之一。The inveterate reward-related memory induced by addictive drugs is a major factor for the persistence of addiction.

假如我们仍有根深蒂固的抽烟习惯,这仅仅是因为我们一次次经历了由戒烟失败所导致的挫折。If we remain inveterate smokers, it is only because we have so often experienced the frustration that results from failure.

念大学,除了部分志向远大以及多少有些数目的资深混混儿之外,对大多数人来说都是压力重重。Except in the case of a few highfliers and a somewhat larger number of inveterate slackers, college is a stressful experience.

对总统来说这是一个胜利的时刻,作为一个根深蒂固的反共派,他看到并大胆抓住了这个地缘政治机遇。It was a triumphant moment for the president, the inveterate anti-Communist who had seen a geopolitical opportunity and seized it boldly.

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他也酷爱猎野鸭,野鹌鹑和其他小鸟,每到这时候就一身猎装,烧烤让人垂涎欲滴的美味佳肴。He was also an inveterate hunter of ducks, quails, and other small birds, which he would expertly dress and grill to finger-licking delicacy.

一些批评人士指出俄罗斯支持严格反腐的做法犹如一个老酒鬼加入一次彻底禁酒的行动中去。Cynics might find Russian support for a stringent anti-bribery regime akin to an inveterate alcoholic joining a campaign for total abstinence.

因为她的丈夫,墨西哥著名画家迭戈•里维拉,持续对婚姻的不忠,他与弗里达的亲妹妹的有染,最终导致了这段婚姻的破裂。Due to her husband, the renowned Mexican artist, Diego Rivera's inveterate unfaithfulness culminating in an affair with her sister, they divorced.