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他们惊恐,畏缩。They're terrified, they cower.

你不会含屈忍辱畏缩不前。Thou wilt not cower in the dust.

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人类除了退缩之外还能做什麽呢?What can humankind do, other than cower?

没有必要躲在门柱后面畏缩不前了,真的!No need to cower behind a gate-post, indeed!

当老板来到身边时,他们也不畏缩。They don’t cower when the boss comes around.

但是世界不会退缩,直到勒布朗能做到他所希望做的。But the world won't cower until LeBron comes through.

卡扎菲,现在他的家人和亲信退缩或逃离像懦夫。Gaddafi, his family and cronies now cower or flee like cowards.

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面临困难时我们不应该退缩,而应该勇敢地面对。In face of difficulties, we should not cower but meet them bravely.

虽然非常寒冷,但是请不要退缩,开心的笑一下,加油。Although it is very cold, don't cower back. Smile amusedly and cheer.

死亡凋零不再有恐慌效果,死亡凋零雕文可以重新得到它。基础伤害应该会有提升。Death and Decay no longer has a cower component, but a glyph can add that back.

你可以选择带CD、DVD或是微波炉。You can cower in style with the optional CD and DVD players and microwave oven.

对于邪恶势力我们不应重足而立,而是要奋起抗争。We shouldn't cower when confronted by evil forces, we should rise and fight them.

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我无法降下雷电,但神却降下闪电,令列国慌忙逃躲。I cannot craft a thunderbolt. But God directs lightning, and nations cower and run in fear.

后来我一辈子都怕了这些,就像现在躲在办公室里,生怕电话又会响。I am scarred for life from this, and now cower in my office in fear that the phone will ring.

当这些八条腿的动物经过时,这是不可能使那些蜷缩在冷酷的恐怖里的人感到不再害怕或担心。This is unlikely to reassure those who cower in cold terror as the eight-legged creatures go by.

地震发生时,大多数人们会畏缩在过道,或者家里其他坚固支撑点内。When an earthquake strikes, most people cower in doorways, or other strong points in their homes.

如果我们的努力导致不同意见的出现,我们也不应该互相讥讽、嘲笑或感到担忧。And let us not laugh, declare foolish or cower in alarm if different views result from our efforts.

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只有那些有着不为人所知的利益或是不可告人的秘密的人,才需要在评论产品时畏缩在化名背后。The only product reviewers who need to cower behind an alias are those with an undeclared interest or with something to hide.

当你畏缩在恐惧后面时——它给了你一个不去成长的借口,当你以恐惧作为动机时,你的生命失去了它的优势。When you are motivated by fear your life loses its edge as you cower behind the fear which provides you with an excuse not to grow.

在所有的这些影片中,面对着这些步伐笨重地登临日本海岸、摧毁一切的威胁,日本人时而奋起反抗,时而畏手畏脚。In all the films, Japanese populations alternately mobilize against and cower from the threats that wash up, or lumber onto, Japan’s shores.