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没有精算学前课程的工作是必需的。No previous course work in Actuarial Science is required.

采用荟萃分析精确计算了患者的生存率。Patient actuarial survival was determined by Kaplan-Meier analysis.

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风险理论是当前精算界和数学界研究的热门课题。In the present actuarial science and mathematics research, risk theory is a hot topic.

风险理论是当前精算和数学界研究的热门课题。Risk theory is popular topic in the present actuarial science and mathematics science.

风险理论是当今精算界和数学界研究的热门课题。Nowadays, risk theory is a hot topic both in actuarial science and mathematics research.

现在,我正在考虑转到精算系,因为我觉得会计很无聊。Now I'm thinking of shifting to actuarial studies, as I don't find accounting very exciting.

精算收益及亏损于雇员的平均馀下服务年期内确认。Actuarial gains and losses are recognised over the average remaining service lives of employees.

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就人寿保险来说,还需要开发出精准的表格,这需要收集很多统计数据。In the case of life insurance, they developed actuarial tables that require a collecting of statistics.

资产与当前负债实际精算评估值之间的差距简直大得惊人。The gap between assets and a realistic actuarial valuation of present liabilities is simply staggering.

借助于他在精算学和保险学以及对心碎症状的知识。Borrowing from his work in actuarial science and insurance and his knowledge of the broken-heart syndrome.

风险理论作为精算学中的重要组成部分,主要是以保险公司的风险业务为主要研究对象。Risk theory as the most important part of Actuarial Analysis mainly consider risks of insurance companies.

数学的爱好者可以通过对精算学的学习将他们的对数学的热情施展到解决金融危机的方案规划中。Math lovers can apply that passion to problems of financial risk by entering the field of actuarial science.

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对于保单组合赔付次数及赔付额的计算,是非寿险精算研究的一项基本内容。The claim number and claim amount of policies portfolio play important poles in non-life actuarial research.

风险理论作为保险精算学中的一个重要理论,是理论界探讨的一个热点问题。The risk theory, as an important theory in actuarial science, has become a popular subject of the research field.

树勋弟兄目前是乔治亚州立大学罗宾逊商学院的精算学教授兼系主任。Shaun is currently Professor and Director of Actuarial Science at Georgia State University's Robinson College of Business.

文章在精算平衡模型的基础上,运用模拟的方法,对企业年金的缴费率进行了测算分析。Based on the actuarial equivalent model, we analyze the contribution rate of occupational pensions using the simulation method.

保险人员用保险精算的方法,计算出恰当的保险费。这可能看来和计算赌博赔率有相似性。Insurers use actuarial methods to calculate appropriate premiums which could be considered similar to calculating gambling odds.

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请注意,财政金融学,精算学,应用统计的截止日期前办公室。Please hand in your assignments into the School of Finance, Actuarial Studies and Applied Statistics front office by the due date.

进一步的,现在有一种金融风险管理领域和运用精算学进行定量分析的协议。Further, there has been a convergence from the financial fields of risk management and quantitative analysis with actuarial science.

这篇文章介绍了有关随机分析在精算学中的应用,特别是对于人寿保险,进行了详细的阐述。The purpose of this paper is to introduce the application of stochastic analysis in actuarial science, especially for life insurance.