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看看那张照片吧。Look at that photo.

哦,看看这幅照片。Oh, see this photo.

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他也会亲吻他的照片。He kisses his photo.

约翰上色。Photo by John Vachon.

我指的是生活照。I mean the life photo.

好了,这张是她的照片。OK, that is her photo.

照片由芬诺雅各布。Photo by Fenno Jacobs.

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照片由约翰科利尔。Photo by John Collier.

照片打印服务。Photo printing service.

这张照片跑焦如此严重!How canon this photo is!

让我们来张合影。Let's take a group photo.

这张照片拍得好。The photo has taken well.

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你自己有摄影室吗?You have a photo studio ?

你得照一张快相。You have to snap a photo.

这是我们的合影。This is our BD team photo.

因为我爱这张照片。Because, I love this photo.

她把照片抢了过去。He snatched away the photo.

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我照张相都不行?I cannot even take a photo?

这个是吉姆的全家照。This is Jim's family photo.

放一两个相框。Put up a photo frame or two.