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这个星期,嘎纳静悄悄。CANNES was quiet this week.

她的影片在戛纳电影节首次放映。Her film was premiered in Cannes Festival.

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比诺什在嘎纳电影节还提出他的名字表示了抗议。Binoche held up Panahi's name in protest at Cannes.

今年戛纳,法国电影是丰收年。It has been a very good year for French films at Cannes.

今年,差不多5500部电影在嘎那电影节上追寻买主。Some 5,500 films are chasing buyers in Cannes this year.

戛纳是发现夏季流行新趋势的最佳地点。The best place to discover the new summer trends is Cannes.

她在戛纳戴的镜框呈现出优雅和永恒的时髦感。Her Cannes frames epitomise elegance and timeless classiness.

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我们的记者文森特·道登刚从戛纳连线直播室。Our arts correspondent Vincent Dowd is just back from Cannes.

坊间有很多关于我在康城所发表的言论的报道。There have been numerous reports about what I said in Cannes.

这部影片赢得了戛纳金棕榈奖,那个评审组里没有评论家。This film won the Palmed'Or at Cannes no critics on that juror.

摄影师在第62届戛纳电影节的拍照时间工作。Photographers work a photocall at the 62nd Cannes Film Festival.

著名的戛纳电影城就掩映在海岸线边的椰树下。The famous cannes multiplex is set in the edge of coconut trees.

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那个春天,两人将这部电影带到了戛纳电影节上。The two promoted the film at the Cannes Film Festival that spring.

你至少不要指靠蒙蒂在D日攻占戛纳。Not the least which it is dependency on Monty taking Cannes by D-day.

今年的第62届戛纳电影盛会以一部美术动画片打响首炮。The 62nd Cannes Film Festival opened with an animated movie called Up.

这部电影也在2002年嘎纳学生电影竞赛单元中成为亮点。The film also featured in the student film competition in Cannes 2002.

尼斯,马赛,戛纳,和圣特鲁佩斯都是热门的观光点。Nice, Marseille, Cannes and St-Tropez are among the most visited spots.

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2003年国际戛纳电影节,这位依旧耀眼的女星向她的影迷们挥手致意。The actress waves to fans at the 2003 International Cannes Film Festival.

继而,在克里奥广告奖上夺得了一支金铅笔,并且在法国嘎纳广告节上获得了一尊银狮。After that, we won a Gold Pencil on One Show & a Silver Lion on Cannes 2005.

影片在2007年的戛纳电影节上放映了10分钟片花。The film, the 2007 Cannes Film Festival screening of a 10-minute film flowers.