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节制是仙丹妙药。Temperance is the Best physic.

节欲是最好的药方。Temperance is the best physic.

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克制乃是最好的治疗。Temperance is the best physic.

他是一个禁烟的宣传者。He is an apostle of temperance.

这个品质对应与节欲的情感反应。This trait is the emotional analogue of temperance.

身为一名卫理公会教徒,他是禁欲的热情拥护者。As a methodist he was a fervent advocate of temperance.

禁酒联合会要关闭镇上所有的酒馆。The temperance league wanted to close all the saloons in town.

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这是用节欲和纯洁以外的方法得到的。This creature succeeded by other means than temperance and purity.

锻鍊、节制、新鲜空气和必要的休息是最好的医生。Exercise, temperance , fresh air, and needful rest are the best of all physicians.

拉登的表现似乎让他戒酒血腥的胸襟所有难以企及的。Bin Laden's seeming temperance made his manifest bloody-mindedness all the harder to fathom.

一次,杰克参加了一个讲座,演讲者是苏格兰著名的医生以及禁酒倡导者。Jack once attended a Temperance lecture given by Scotland's top medical man, a noted anti-drink campaigner.

尽管校园禁酒运动的规模很小,胆气不足,但已经从禁烟运动中得到启示。Still small and somewhat timid, the campus temperance movement has taken its cue from anti-smoking campaigns.

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早在1842年,一位名叫罗伯特·哈特利的戒酒斗士就警告说,纽约市的牛奶被灾难性地污染了。As early as 1842, a temperance crusader named Robert Hartley warned that city milk was catastrophically tainted.

在禁酒期间,绝对的禁酒主义的活动家们更是坚信着这种信念,大肆地宣扬喝酒的危害。During Prohibition, teetotaling temperance activists asserted this belief, citing it among the dangers of drink.

早在1842年,一个名为戒酒十字军战士罗伯特哈特利警告说,城市牛奶可能是灾难性的污染。As early as 1842, a temperance crusader named Robert Hartley warned that city milk could be catastrophically tainted.

谨慎、公正、坚忍和节制是古希腊哲学家亚里斯多德所倡导的四大传统美德。Prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance are the four classical virtues advocated by the Greek Philosopher Aristotle.

年始建时为一个合作农场和斋戒场所,并以其保护人赫拉斯·格里利命名。It was founded in 870 as a cooperative farm and temperance center and named for its patron, Horace Greeley. Population, '0,53'.

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节欲需要把欲望控制在符合优雅,规范,精致和谦逊的范围内。But to confine them within those limits, which grace, which propriety, which delicacy, and modesty require, is the office of temperance.

就和世上有许多创造论者、戒酒团体和田园生活提倡者一样,维基百科也有对其存疑的专业阶级人士。Just as the world has had plenty of creationists, temperance societies and ruralists, there is a professional class of Wikipedia skeptics.

这一活动起源于1880年代早期的禁酒运动,并且恰好与戈斯福斯万豪酒店的年度接力周同时进行。The event has its origins in the Temperance Movement during the early 1880s and coincides with the annual race week at High Gosforth Park.