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地图投影是地图学的数学基础。Map projection is the basis of cartography.

地图制作的技术被称为地图学。The art of map making is called cartography.

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兰伯特在理论制图学方面开创了一个新纪元。J. h. lambert initiated a new epoch in the theoretical cartography.

最后展望了未来地图学的发展前景。Finally, this paper prospects the future development in cartography.

地图应用是现代地图学三大分支学科之一。Map application is one of the three subjects of the modern cartography.

现代地图学理论对地图学的影响意义深刻而久远。In a word, the modem cartography theory made a significant effect to cartography.

社会数据的空间化是现代地图制图学研究的主要内容之一。Spatial data spatialization is one of the main research fields of modern cartography.

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中国制图术的大部分历史是和中国的政治文化联系在一起的。The history of Chinese cartography is closely related to the political culture in China.

遥感技术的应用是现代制图科学的一次飞跃发展。The application of remote sensing technique is a leap and development in current cartography.

它既能提高目视判读精度,又可为计算机成图提供数据。It in creases the interpretation accuracy and provides data for computer-assisted cartography.

折线是GIS中表达线形空间实体的基本制图要素。The polyline is one basic cartography factor to express the lineal spatial entity in vector GIS.

地图投影变换是数学制图学的一个新的研究和应用领域。Map projection transformation is a new research and application field of mathematical cartography.

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该站点主要从事过去的地图、地图集、地球仪和有关制图学书籍的拍卖活动。This site offers an auction of historical maps, atlases , globes and books related to cartography.

随着遥感技术的发展和日臻完善,遥感数据在地理制图方面也得到了广泛的应用。The development and perfection of remote sensing technology has made it widely used in cartography.

制图综合是地图学的一个核心和难点问题。The new challenge is just what cartography generalization now confronts with in digital environment.

地图模型论是理论地图学研究中提出的一个重要理论。The theory of map model is an important theory to be proposed by studies in theoretical cartography.

学者们抛弃了500年的传统制图法,绘制出了惊人的图像。Academics came up with the startling images after throwing away 500 years of conventional cartography.

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声学。外部环境噪音的绘制图表。图表的绘制和图解。Acoustics . cartography of outside environment noise . drawing up of maps and graphical representation.

以综合地理学、地图制图学、关系代数为理论基础,可以用分析组合法、综合法进行基本信息元制图。Research region can be mapped into series BP under the principle of synthetic geography and cartography.

从规则高程格网中自动提取等高线是地理信息系统以及计算机制图的基本功能。The extraction of contour lines from Grid DEM is a primary function in computer-aided cartography ad GIS.