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她轻轻地敲敲门。She tapped at the door.

他轻叩窗子。He tapped on the window.

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他轻拍我的脑袋。He tapped me on the head.

他挖到金矿了。He had tapped a gold mine.

他们旋开桶塞放出苹果酒。They tapped a barrel of cider.

他旋开桶塞汲取苹果酒。He tapped off cider from a cask.

他打开桶塞放出桶里的苹果酒。He tapped off cider from a cask.

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他轻拍我的肩膀。TAP】He tapped me on the shoulder.

乞丐向我讨了20便士。The beggar tapped me for 20 pence.

学生们轻声地穿过房间。The pupils tapped across the room.

从芦荟中可以萃取出芦荟汁。Aloe plants can be tapped for aloe.

他把烟灰从烟斗里磕出来。He tapped the ashes out of the pipe.

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工人们割橡胶树皮采胶液。The workers tapped the rubber trees.

阀体类型可钻孔的全凸耳或对夹式。Body Styles Tapped full lug or wafer.

老师轻轻地拍了下我的肩膀。The teacher tapped me on my shoulder.

啄木鸟在树上啄了一个洞。A wood pecker tapped a hole in a tree.

然后提姆和汤姆轻轻地敲着印第安手鼓。Then Tim and Tom tapped the tom- toms.

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老板用铅笔敲击办公桌。The boss tapped his pencil on the desk.

啄木鸟在树上啄了一个洞。A wood pecker tapped a hole on the tree.

她用铅笔嗒嗒嗒地敲着桌子。She tapped on the table with the pencil.