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学着驾驶帆船。Learn to sail a sailboat.

帆船竞赛怎么样?What about the sailboat race?

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暴风把帆船刮得倾斜。The gale careened the sailboat.

帆船掠过水面。The sailboat skimmed the water.

帆船贴花中心胸部。Sailboat appliqué on center chest.

帆船绕岛航行。The sailboat compassed the island.

玩具帆船在池塘上荡漾。The toy sailboat danced on the pond.

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你需要多大尺寸的帆船?What size sailboat is right for you?

帆船沿岸边逆风而驶。The sailboat was beating along the coast.

他们的小帆船桅杆是14英尺。They have a small sailboat with a 14-foot mast.

顺便提一嘴,我们乘坐的帆船有点破。The sailboat ride was a bit of a bust, by the way.

预计一下你是否会想要驾船参加速度赛。Anticipate whether you may want to race your sailboat.

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在一眼望不到陆地的海洋中开着一搜帆船。On a sailboat surrounded by sea with no land in sight.

单桅帆基本算得上是帆船中最常见的结构了。A sloop is generally the most common type of sailboat rig.

在这样的大风中帆船保持向左倾斜。In such a strong wind the sailboat kept heeling to the left.

帆船桅倒映在湖面上,洛迦诺,瑞士。Reflection Of Sailboat Masts In Lake Maggiore, Locarno, Switzerland.

但是,他也会“利用”诗歌和帆船航行来吸引他的爱人和仰慕者。Yet he charmed lovers and admirers with poetry and sailboat outings.

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如果必要,对大型帆船的引擎进行单独的检验。If necessary, get a separate survey of the engine of a larger sailboat.

它似乎在气浪上扬帆航行,就像海浪上的一艘帆船。It seemed to sail on waves of air, just like a sailboat on ocean waves.

船锚在一个隐蔽的湖岔,风不停地来回摇晃着船身。Tossing the sailboat to and fro as it lay berthed in a secluded lagoon.