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他新买了一把茶炊。He bought a new teakettle.

奶奶,壶里装的是什么呀?Grandma, what is in the teakettle?

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提起壶盖我们认为是我们做的工作。We do work when we lift the lid of a teakettle.

用茶壶的帮忙弄湿干的空气。Moisten the dry air with the help of a teakettle.

我们进去以后发现桌子上居然有酒和三明治。We entered and saw a table with alcohol in a teakettle !

不久,我能听到墙的另一边传来茶壶的“歌声”。Soon I could hear the teakettle sing on the other side of the wall.

抱怨对人们头脑的作用如同一个烧茶壶的口哨阀门的作用一样。Complaining is as useful for people's minds as a whistle vent is for a teakettle.

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透过墙壁,我能听到他们的笑声和茶壶水开的哨音。I could hear their laughter through the wall and the sound of the whistling teakettle.

她默默地继续干她的活,而杰米仍一动不动地坐在老地方研究着这把水壶。She went about her work silently, and Jamie sat still in his place and studied the teakettle.

寻找湍流最方便的场合莫过于烧开的茶水壶冒起的蒸汽流了。The easiest place to look for turbulence is in the stream of steam rising from a boiling teakettle.

当他扭开炉灶的旋钮,茶壶下面升腾起的蓝色火焰让屋子里闪烁了些暗淡的光线。When he turned the knob on the stove, the blue flame that erupted under the teakettle gave a dim glow to the room.

悬吊在炉子上的一只老式水壶里,水开始沸腾,壶嘴冒出淡淡的云雾般的蒸气。Above the fire an old-fashioned teakettle was hanging. The water within it was beginning to bubble. A thin cloud of steam was rising from the spout.

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比如,水蒸气变化成水。茶壶嘴的水蒸气开始与比较凉的空气接触时,水蒸汽凝结而形成由小水滴组成的可见的水雾。When the water vapor at the mouth of a teakettle spout comes into contact with cooler air, the water vapor condenses to form a visible cloud of water droplets.

自打那时起,宫殿安装了枝型吊灯,在外面也可以通过释放出的光看到整个建筑物,并消耗更少的电量。Since then, the palace has installed the lighting in chandeliers and on the exterior, where illuminating the entire facade uses less electricity than running an electric teakettle.