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这是很简单的一种正比关系。It could be mathematically worked out.

都可以从数学上描述。All the words mean things mathematically.

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这个问题就转变为数学问题了you have a mathematically complete problem.

我们不知道到这是什么。Because this isn't Cv mathematically speaking.

于是我们有了一门精确严谨的学科作为工具We then have a mathematically rigorous discipline.

他知道如何用数学思维分析问题的结构,he knows how to mathematically structure the problem,

在某个时候,这种冲击将会发生,数学上这是必然的。At some point, such a shock will come. Mathematically it must.

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你可以用数学分析,说这是完全合理的吗?Can you show me mathematically that that is completely kosher?

开始啦,挑选色相和120相关的颜色——都是可以如数学般精确。I begin by choosing colors related to hue 120, mathematically.

在著名的对数学早慧少年的长期研究中。In a famous long-term study of mathematically precocious youth.

事实上,从数学上来说-,这儿没有空间了。And in fact, mathematically if it's-- don't really have room for this.

史蒂尔观察到,擅长数学的女性亦有类似的反应。Mathematically accomplished women react comparably, Steele has observed.

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代码度量是一种计算代码复杂度的数学方法。Code metrics are a way to mathematically calculate the complexity of code.

结果是一个数组,或者从更加数学方面来讲是一个矩阵。The result is an array -- or, for the more mathematically inclined, a matrix.

再一次,数学上有点复杂,但是很实用。Again, a little more complicated mathematically but more practical in real use.

他的工作在数学上就停留在常微分方程的范围。His work remains mathematically in the realm of ordinary differential equations.

任何给定用户的公钥和私钥在数学上是不能相关的。The public key and private key for any given user aren't mathematically related.

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论文中,他们证明了这些计算是数学等价的。In their paper, they prove that these computations are mathematically equivalent.

世间的爱用数字上的关系表达就像等式两边的代数。All love is mathematically just,as much as the two sides of an algebraic equation.

从数学上说,此时这是零。And what this is just telling us mathematically is, when that happens this is zero.