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很多人想知道,我到底是以税前消费额还是税后来作为计算消费的基础。Many wanted to know if you calculate the tip on the pretax or the post-tax bill.

以下是20个利润率最高的行业排名和他们的平均利润率Here is a list of the 20 most-profitable industries and their average pretax margins

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该公司公布第三季度税前利润和销售额均有所增加,预计第四季度业绩还会有所增长。The company reported higher pretax profit and sales for the third quarter, and said it expects growth for the fourth.

汇丰控股称,如果没有债务估值的这一变化,公司第三季度的税前利润将“大大超过”上年同期。Without the change in debt valuation, pretax profit for the third quarter was 'significantly ahead' of the year-earlier period, HSBC said.

这是一块利润丰厚的业务,帕尔米萨诺希望,在2015年之前,软件在公司税前利润中的比例将从2003年的略超三分之一上升到二分之一左右。Palmisano wants that high-margin business to account for about half of the company's pretax profit by 2015, up from just over a third in 2003.

在若干年的一段期间内,税前利润总额可能会与应纳税所得额总额相等,但在这其中任何一年内,这两种收益额都肯能会不同。Over a period of several years, total pretax accounting income may equal total taxable in come, but for any one year the two income amounts are likely to differ.

在很大程度上,这些巨额收益反应了超级精英们税前收入部分的大幅增长,然而还有优惠于富人的大幅减税。For the most part, these huge gains reflected a dramatic rise in the super-elite’s share of pretax income.But there were also large tax cuts favoring the wealthy.

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银行业务包含零售跟商业贷款两个部分,基本税前收入达到16亿欧元,其中9.94亿欧元来自零售业。Banking operations, which comprise both retail and commercial banking, showed 1.6 billion euros in underlying pretax profit, with 944 million euros of that coming from retail.

经济学家长时间以来一直批评官方贫困人口衡量标准不适当,因为只考虑了税前现金收入而没有计算医疗、运输和工作成本。Economists have long criticized the official poverty measure as inadequate because it only includes pretax cash income and does not account for medical, transportation and work expenses.

捷豹路虎税前利润及销售增长,印度最大汽车制造商塔塔汽车公司公布全年净收入增长。Tata Motors Ltd., India’s largest truckmaker and the owner of Jaguar Land Rover, turned to full- year net income after the luxury unit had a pretax profit and sales gained amid economic growth.

在北卡罗来纳州罗利市的会计咨询与私人数据提供商Sageworks的帮助下,福布斯制作了一份20种利润率最高的小型公司排行榜,该排行榜是以税前利润为基础的。With the help of Sageworks, a Raleigh, N.C.-based accounting consultancy and private-company data provider, Forbes assembled a list of the 20 most profitable types of businesses, on a pretax basis.

在北卡罗来纳州罗利市的会计咨询与私人数据提供商Sageworks的帮助下,福布斯制作了一份20种利润率最高的小型公司排行榜,该排行榜是以税前利润为基础的。With the help of Sageworks, a Raleigh, N. C. -based accounting consultancy and private-company data provider, Forbes assembled a list of the 20 most profitable types of businesses, on a pretax basis.