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这是人们过度消费的原因。It's why people overspend.

不要在朋友和孩子身上花太多时间。Don't overspend on friends or children.

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你也不会在这些项目上超支。You don’t overspend in these categories.

借贷者拥有两张第一资金的卡,两张卡限贷都很低,使得他们很容易超支。That gives them two cards, with two low limits, to overspend.

与朋友进行交往,但不要因奢侈款待而超支。Socialize with friends, but don't overspend on lavish entertainment.

当你看到数字不断地上升,可能你就不会让其超支。When you see the numbers adding up, you’re less likely to overspend.

娱乐、孩子方面不要开销太大,不做不良投资。Don't overspend on entertainment, on children, or make poor investments.

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如果你用信用卡支付很容易超支。It’s easy to overspend when your charging purchases to your credit card.

大多数人躲避信用卡是因为他们有太多过度消费的诱惑。Most people avoid credit cards because they're too much of a temptation to overspend.

他主张应当迫使财政超支的地方政务委员会重新进行选举。He argued that local councils which overspend should be forced to face fresh elections.

因为戒指的价钱代表了他们之间无尽的爱,所以会有很多人为了买结婚戒指而超支。The challenge of putting a price on their priceless love leads many consumers to overspend.

绝不要超支,更不要使出行成为你们分手的原因!Don"t allow yourself to overspend and have your getaway become the reason the two of you broke up!

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你可能会在度假、音乐会门票和小情人的特别约会上败金。You may be tempted to overspend on vacations, concert tickets, or a special date with your true love.

查利沃兹经常在他的诊所见到用过度花钱来处理困难的病人。Charlesworth frequently sees clients in his clinical practice who overspend to deal with difficulties.

“仍有大量对于比赛的需求,但俱乐部总是不能量力而为,而且总是负债运作,不过,没有人会让它们破产”。There is a lot of demand, but clubs always overspend and always run into debt, but nobody lets them go bust.

知道是现金还是信用卡更容易让自己乱花钱,然后,舍弃那种付款方法。Know whether you're more inclined to overspend with cash or credit cards--and leave that payment method at home.

知道是现金还是信用卡更轻易让自己乱花钱,然后,舍弃那种付款方法。Know whether you're more inclined to overspend with cash or credit cards--and leave that payment method at home.

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知道是现金还是信用卡更容易让自己乱花钱,然后,将那个付款法收起来。Know whether you're more inclined to overspend with cash or credit cards – and leave that payment method at home.

所以千万不要在礼物、假日用品以及食品购买方面严重超支,建议大家可以列一张购物清单,仔细的检查两遍,直到确保它所对应的预算和支出是最最合理、完美的。Don’t overspend on gifts, holiday outfits and food purchases. Make a list, check it twice, make sure it fits your budget nice.

一个预算项目的金额花完,你不能动用紧急基金去弥补,而应该向预算本身找余钱。You should not go to your emergency fund if you overspend in a category. Instead you should look to your budget to find the extra money.