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我们下一靠岸处应是牙买加。Our next landfall should be jamaica.

预料莎莉嘉将北行直至登陆。A generally northward track is likely until landfall.

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热带风暴内特在墨西哥的韦拉克鲁斯州登陆。Tropical Storm Nate makes landfall in Mexico's Veracruz state.

此次“龙吸水”持续时间大约为5分钟,随即在海面上消失。The waterspout lasted around five minutes and expired before landfall.

威斯纳表示,艾琳的路径和登陆的时间而定。Wisner said much depends on Irene's path and the timing of the landfall.

2004年,也是8月13日,飓风查理登陆美国弗罗里达,造成多人死亡。Hurricane Charley made landfall in south Florida on Friday, August 13, 2004.

可我估计我们仍然保持着航向,应该很快就可以在日本着陆。But Iestimate we are still on course and that landfall in the Japans should be soon.

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马吉位于卡特里娜登陆地密西西比州韦夫兰市北约150英里。Magee is 150 miles North of Waveland, Mississippi where the Hurricane made landfall.

地形抬升机制在台风登陆时刻达到最强。Meanwhile, the orographic uplifting peaks at the moment of typhoon Saomai's landfall.

天文台指浣熊在登陆广东前减弱为热带风暴。HKO assessed Neoguri weakened into a tropical storm before making landfall on Guangdong.

飓风艾琳在加利福尼亚北部登陆之后,袭击了美国东海岸地区。Hurricane Irene is pummelling the US east coast after making landfall in North Carolina.

主要影响系统为登陆台风、西风低槽和低空急流。The main affecting systems include landfall typhoon, low-level jet stream and west trough.

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他同时也是记录以来持续时间最长的飓风之一,然而他它却并没有着陆。It was also one of the longest-lasting hurricanes on record, though it did not make landfall.

1500人的入侵军力离开危地马拉并登陆古巴的猪湾,三天之内被古巴军队打败了。The invasion force of 1500 departed from Guatemala and made landfall in Cuba at the Bay of Pigs.

海岸防卫队的负责人认为原油在未来三天不会到达附近的陆地表面。Coast Guard officials said they were not expecting landfall for the spill in the next three days.

陆地的出现会令人兴奋,但是我已经为这一次漫长的航行即将进入尾声而感到惋惜。Landfall will be exciting but, already, I am having regrets that the great journey will soon end.

其他发现表明,他们最初是在哥伦比亚的圣哈辛托登陆的。Other discoveries suggest that others first made landfall in California and San Jacinto, Colombia.

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天气模拟预测,该风暴星期六将在位于香港以东的汕头市附近登陆。Weather models predict the storm will make landfall Saturday near Shantou city, east of Hong Kong.

他们乘坐的“五月花”号船原本是要去弗吉尼亚的,但却在很北的地方靠了岸。Their ship, the Mayflower, had intended to go to Virginia, but it made its landfall far to the north.

不会有伴随船只,但是在每个登录点会有支援队伍。There will be no accompanying craft, but the Plastiki will be met by a support team at each landfall.