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其一,这一体系是多领域、全方位的。First, it is comprehensive.

这张大地图怎么综合的呢?How comprehensive is this Big Map?

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河南曲剧是一门综合性戏曲艺术。Henan Opera is a comprehensive art.

是全方位的护眼处方。Is a comprehensive eye prescription.

期末考是没有范围的。The final will be a comprehensive test.

综合实力百强县。Comprehensive strength hundred counties.

项罪名,我们将并案审理。We will put him on a comprehensive trial.

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当然这一节讨论的并不充分。The section is certainly not comprehensive.

全面的性教育权。The right to comprehensive sexuality education.

你的安全措施必须全面周到。Your approach to security must be comprehensive.

你的意思是我的建议书不够周详吗?Do you mean that my proposal is not comprehensive?

这是一次多层次、全方位的合作。It is a multi-level and comprehensive cooperation.

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这次调查是所有调查中最全面的一次。This one is designed to be the most comprehensive.

是一个攻防兼备的综合性选手。Is a comprehensive offensive and defensive players.

我们已经拟好了周详的计划,准备一一实现这些目标。We have comprehensive plans to achieve these goals.

柏拉图建立起了全面的哲学体系。Plato built up a comprehensive system of philosophy.

咀嚼运动时有较广泛的脑区激活。Brain activation was comprehensive during mastication.

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全面揭密中共情报捍卫工作。Comprehensive does the CPC intelligence security work.

完形填空题是一种测试综合能力的题型。Cloze is to test the students' comprehensive abilities.

鲁克石油是世界综合性石油企业。Oil is the comprehensive aruk the petroleum enterprise.