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你的头发该剪一剪了。Your hair should snip.

而这只是低于20元的便宜货。And it's yours at a snip for less than 20 yuan.

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白色足爪或在脸部中间出现白筋是允许的。White on toes and slim white snip on center line of face permissible.

要小心,不要剪断松弦太接近缝线的贴花。Be careful not to snip loose strings too close to the stitches of an applique.

譬如,一个被叫做SNAP25的染色体基因标记,就和神经过敏症有关。For example, a snip from chromosome 20 called SNAP25 was linked with neuroticism.

有一次,我看电视看到了晚上十点,作业只是草草地应付了几下子。Once, I watch TV saw ten at night, homework just to deal with a few quick snip hastily.

了解如何在这个自由剪断视频上作出贴花贴花松弦。Learn how to snip loose strings on an applique in this free video on making an applique.

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剪断现有的“尾巴”,并在针绒毛,大约半英寸的牙线离开。Snip the existing "tail" and the floss in the needle, leaving about a half inch of floss.

他们发现两种能把脑细胞突出蛋白质剪切成碎片的酶。They discovered two enzymes that snip pieces from a large protein protruding from brain cells.

但是好的一面是,你可以立即剪掉它,然后你的头发立刻看起来更加健康。But the good news is,you can snip them right off, and immediately your hair will look healthier.

从她的走道望去,其他人把操作台上一次性垫子的线头剪掉。Across the aisle from her, others snip loose threads off disposable cushions for operating tables.

假如您能将Summarity提供的自动分析总结功能和Snip.ly的网址缩短功能很好的结合起来,效果一定很赞!It would be great to see the auto-summarizing of Summarity and the URL shortening of working together.

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另一种脑衍生的向神经因子基因标记,就和心理外向性相关相连。A snip located close to the gene that codes for brain-derived neurotrophic factor was associated with extraversion.

按照传统,你打开书籍,杂志或者打字纸,然后截选出个别单词,短语或者句子片断。Traditionally, you take books, magazines or typed pages and snip out individual words, phrases or sentence fragments.

茶党队伍内也许会有一丝一缕的种族主义,但是多数组织都在竭尽全力消除这一倾向。Strands of racism can be found on the movement’s fringe, but most tea-party groups have done their best to snip these off.

ly是一个在线短网址应用服务,它允许您在将某篇网文的网址缩短的同时,附上个人对该网页的概括或备注,然后将该链接分享出去。 is a URL-shortening service that also allows you to include snippets, or summaries, of the article you are linking too.

这时有个渔翁正好路过这里,看见它们夹在一起不能动,就哈哈大笑起来,把它们一起捉回家了。There was a fisherman walking by at the same time. When he saw the snip and clam could not move, he laughed and caught them back home.

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这些酶被用来把特定的DNA序列中的原生质切断,切断后的原生质可以被科学家们自由地重新连接。These enzymes are used to"snip apart" plasmids at very specific DNA sequences, leaving free ends that can be rejoined as the scientist chooses.

如果是要保存商店买回来的花的话,把每根枝的尾部剪掉一寸,然后加两勺伏特加、一勺糖,搅拌均匀,每过几天用同样的方式换一次水。To keep store-bought flowers fresh, snip an inch off of each stem, add two teaspoons of vodka and one teaspoon sugar. Stir well and repeat this process every few days.

我不知道手术到底怎样做,但只要切除相关的神经末梢,让我们无法进行,更高层次的思维。I don't actually know exactly what it would take, but you just cut off and snip the relevant nerve endings so that we're no longer able to engage in that higher order thinking.