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有些人嘴巴张开,另一些人面部扭曲。Some peoples mouths open. Others faces contort.

我毫不顾及自己的身体和原则被怎样扭曲。I didn't care how much I had to contort my body and my principles.

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你怎么能选择歪曲伊斯兰教来给自己暴力的一生找理由!You choose to contort Islam into an excuse for a life of violence.

在我国,由于制度的不完善和历史遗留问题造成了我国上市公司融资行为的扭曲。In our country, system disfigurement and historical question contort our public corporation' financing behavior.

随着人群中响起几声奇怪的喊叫声,一些狂热者开始扭曲他们的脸和身体。Eerie cries begin to ring out from within the crowd and a few of the devotees begin to contort their faces and bodies

更常见但仍不可取的是,改变操作符的“正常”含义以强行适应给定类型。More common, but still inadvisable , are uses that contort an operator's "normal" meaning to force a fit to a given type.

有时当你演奏时,你击出一个音符或和弦,你的面部和身体表情会扭曲以配合听觉的表达。Sometimes when you play, you hit a note or chord , and your facial and body expressions contort to match the audio expression.

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我们的座位位置不错。当运动员吼着闯过800米资格赛的那一刻,你只需略微斜视,就可以看到运动员那因为拼搏而痛苦扭曲的脸。Our seats weren't bad. With only a gentle squint you could watch pain contort athletes' faces as they grunted through qualifying 800 meter rounds.

文章分析了产生机构位移的原因,并提出减少这种位移的对策。In this report, the cause of mechanism displacement is analysed and the method to reduce or contort the deformation of the walings is also introduced.

大概十米远处,藤蔓缠绕、错综交织的藤架为病人提供了阴凉,同时也为病人提供了挂点滴瓶的临时之处。About 10 meters away, pergolas with thick woody vines that climb and contort provide shade for patients and impromptu places to hang intravenous drip bags.

影片开始拍摄,演员们就得摆出一个个几乎不可能的姿势,而摄影机则必须确保安置在每个恰当角度。Then, once the filming starts, they’re expected to contort themselves into nearly impossibly positions, all while making sure the camera is getting the best angles.

源自脱衣舞俱乐部和床笫之间的钢管舞一度受到排斥,它被视为一种带有歧视女性色彩的活动,女性扭曲自己的身体,给男性带来视觉快感。With its roots in strip clubs and bedrooms, pole dancing has been dismissed as a misogynistic playground in which women contort themselves for the viewing pleasure of men.

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有张海报是个小女孩,短短的黑发,白色的裙子,但是眼睛很空洞无神,没有任何表情,胳膊自然下垂但是右胳膊确是反转的。One poster is a little girl with short dark hair and white skirt, but her eyes are empty, I mean inane, no smile no brow, and her arms are prolapsed but contort the right one.