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那个国家的死亡率很高。The decease rate in that country is very high.

他死后房屋归他太太所有。Upon his decease the house will pass to his wife.

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由于他的死亡,他所有的财产都过继给了他妻子。Upon his decease all his properties passed to his wife.

他的死亡在政治领域上没有太大的影响。His decease had no great effect on the realm of the politics.

猫腰,慢慢的走在帝天释的身后。Cat waist slowly hikes to unlock later decease on the emperor sky.

家人在事故中的不幸死亡,对他来说是个毁灭性的打击。The decease of his family members in the accident was crushing blow to him.

请问你同意存放骨灰在居所内是更专重死者的做法吗?。Do you think store cinerary urns in private house are more respect to the decease?

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在杂阿含经中有一个非常简短的佛经谈到圆寂。There is a very brief sutra dealing with the Great Decease in the Samyutta Nikaya.

改良法可以减少血样被抗凝剂残留造成的结果误差。Conclusion The modified method could decease the error caused by residual anticoagulant.

他们在荣光里显现,谈论耶稣去世的事,就是他在耶路撒冷将要成的事。Who appeared in glory, and spake of his decease which he should accomplish at Jerusalem.

其他无劳动能力的人,生活费给付至死亡时止。Should the person be of no ability to work, the living expenses shall be paid until his decease.

15并且,我要尽心竭力,使你们在我去世以后时常纪念这些事。Moreover I will endeavour that ye may be able after my decease to have these things always in remembrance.

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水中生物的减少和死亡造成的生态链条断裂才是产生环境污染问题的原因。The decrease and decease of aquatic lives broken the biological chain and caused the environmental pollution.

因此苗期不应进行灌溉,实行蹲苗,促使根系向深层发展和减少死苗。Therefore, it is not appropriate to irrigate during seedling stage so as to promote root growth and decease rate of death.

“咦,你是谁?”六哥似乎才注意到田宏身后跟随着一个年轻人。"Yi, who are you ?"Six elder brothers seem to be just to notice a great farmland to after decease follow back a young men.

只见一位温润少年,缓缓从青木身后走出来,却是雾影山弟子逸风。Sees a Wen Run youngster, slowly since the green wood behind decease came out, but is smog shadow mountain pupil Yi breeze.

他俩在这换衣裳喝茶的不着急,可是后院的其他女人可急得要命。Two of him are here alteration dress to nectar tea of not worried, but the other women of back yard are worried to decease.

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茉儿跟在吻擎轩的身后,一同来到那座从未有人入侵过的秘密花园。The Mo son heel is after decease kissing Qing Xuan, attach arrive at that something has never intruded of mysterious garden.

它没出鞘,没动就这样霸气,如果拔出体外,一定吓坏不少人。It has no sheath, didn't push so proud, whether pull out in increase to body, definitely be scared to decease numerous people.

锦月被整治的灰头土脸的跟在锦莲身后一起回了屋子。Month of brocade drive whole remedy of totally embarassed of with after decease return to house together in the brocade lotus.