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好像是抽鼻子的,动物的声音。A kind of snuffling , an animal sound.

我能听见这姑娘睡着了还在抽鼻子。I could hear the child snuffling in her sleep.

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那条狗在树根处嗅来嗅去。The dog is snuffling around the root of a tree.

她现在急切希望听到鲍勃在门口发出的嗅鼻声。She badly wanted to hear Bob snuffling at the door.

他们的尖嘴把昆虫,肉和多汁的蠕虫都消灭掉。Their pointy snouts snuffling out insects and fat, juicy worms.

过了一会,它宽大的鼻子显现出来,猛地吸入好大一口气。Moments later a broad nose emerged and exhaled in a great snuffling breath.

“这话一点儿不假,”大鼻子弗林吸溜着鼻涕说,那可是一匹少见的名马。I could, faith, Nosey Flynn said, snuffling. That was a rare bit of horseflesh.

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一些人饱受季节性花粉热之苦,当遇到空气中流动的花粉时抽鼻子和打喷嚏。Some people suffer the nuisance of seasonal hay fever , snuffling and sneezing as pollen flows through the air.

“噢,蒂多,”我轻声地耳语当他到我身边并把头靠在我的肩上,他温暖的鼻息轻抚着我的脖颈。"Oh, Teedo, " I whispered as he came up and laid his head on my shoulder, snuffling along my neck with his warm breath.

紧接着,一只刺猬抽抽嗒嗒得来了,已经在潮湿的树叶底下找了一天的食物了,它决定钻进手套里取取暖。Next a hedgehog came snuffling along, Having spent the day looking under wet leaves for things to eat, he decided to move into the mitten and warm himself.

她抱起出生刚满三个月的小东西感到他的小嘴在翕动,小鼻子在呼哧,她从他身上获得的东西超过了任何人的启示和安慰。No one could give her such sensible and soothing consolation as that little three months' old creature, when it lay at her breast, and she felt the movement of its lips and the snuffling of its nose.