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或许最人道的方式是对它安乐死。The most humane thing to do was euthanasia.

你能认同安乐死吗?Do you agree with the concept of euthanasia?

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人们总是有在优死上的拖观点。People always have tow viewpoint on euthanasia.

许多医生反对安乐死和无痛苦致死术。Many doctors oppose to Euthanasia and mercy killing.

但是安乐死的潮流不太可能逆转了。However, the tendence of euthanasia is unlikely to turn back.

我也曾呼吁过使用安乐死,无论是对人还是对动物。So I have advocated active use of euthanasia in both circumstances.

目前美国正再次展开有关安乐死的辩论。Right now it is going over the arguments about euthanasia once again.

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安乐死应否合法化?Should voluntary euthanasia &physician-assisted suicide be legalized ?

这些与其说是生前遗嘱,不如说是提前安排的安乐死。These are less living wills than examples of prestructured euthanasia.

执行安乐死对身患绝症的病人来说是一种解脱或是谋杀?Is the execution of euthanasia a release or murder to those deadly ill?

安乐死在犯罪构成上与故意杀人有明显的区别。Euthanasia diverges apparently from intentional murder by committing a crime.

其他国家正在考虑制仃与安乐死类似的法律。Other states are going to consider making a similar law to deal with euthanasia.

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安乐死来源于希腊文,其含义是无痛苦的、幸福的死亡。The origin of euthanasia comes from the Greek, which means not painful, but happy death.

有人担心安乐死会渐渐变成国家主动的死亡。Some worry that legal euthanasia creates a slippery slope towards state-sponsored killing.

安乐死的宪法学思考目的在于提供安乐死的国家立场。Constitutional research on euthanasia aims at providing the state's position on euthanasia.

从国情看,中国已具备安乐死的社会条件,安乐死合法化具有可行性。From the viewpoint of the situation of China, legitimization of euthanasia has been feasible.

那些反对安乐死的人实际在告诉我,临终者没有这个权利。What those people who oppose euthanasia are telling me is that dying people haven’t the right.

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面对难以忍受的死亡的恐惧他也平静了,现在他坚定地反对安乐死。His fears of an agonizing death had been allayed and he was now staunchly opposed to euthanasia.

医生协助病患的自杀行为也引发过类似的问题,但是和安乐死相比又有些不同。Similar questions arise from physician-assisted suicide, but that is not the same as euthanasia.

安乐死其实是一种特殊的在仁爱名义下从事的彻头彻尾的不能饶恕的罪恶。Euthanasia is a special kind of unpardonable crime in the name of charity, guilty up to the hilt!